Altered Minds

5.9| 1h46m| en

A family reunion goes awry when the oldest son makes the accusation that his dying father, a famed psychiatrist who also did work for the CIA, adopted his children for the purposes of psychological experimentation.


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Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Micah Lloyd Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
stunt-797-75665 After half an hour STILL I didn't know what was all about so it's amateurish. Hirsch is miscast heavily & he should stay in comedy genre. Ensemble movies? They are all failures incl. this one BORING piece of cry pseudodrama. Also that's too theatrical for a movie. You'd hate all characters. FAIL.
markemaier Followed this film online as it went through the motions and ultimately changed its name. Waited years to see it, as I was extremely interested in the subject matter, and was seeing a lot of good reviews. Reluctantly talked my wife into watching it with me one Friday night, and unfortunately we ended up laughing at it and questioning the plot twists. Its dialogue is pretty bad, and the human interaction is alienating in its manufactured tension. Overall, it was cringe-inducing watching the actors on-screen. I gave this film an extra star because it wasn't filmed on a hand-held camera. But I would urge people to stay away from this because it is just so remarkably bad.
emigdal-23658 This is a compelling story that will keep you on the edge of your seat. I enjoyed all aspects of this film and would highly recommend it. The acting is superb with Judd Hirsch leading a well cast ensemble of actors through an intricate plot. The film is dark and intense without rising to the level of a "horror" movie. The story builds steadily to its climax when all the pieces fit together in a finely crafted manner. I viewed this film twice at the Palm Beach International Film Festival in March 2015 and it was well received by the audience. I hope it goes into wide release so that many movie fans will have an opportunity to experience and appreciate this excellent work.
whitneyhowarddesigns I wasn't sure what to expect when I heard about this film. I love the actors that were cast in the film so that helped with my interests. Though the topic is very intense and not necessarily easy to handle, the movie really captured the intense family struggle in a subtle escalating manner. As the movie progresses the issues become much clearer and the director really took his time allowing the story to lead the way. I found the topic so intense that I began wondering how the mind of the writer had come up with the details. Very interesting. If you are fan of good dramas and really good acting this is a film for you.

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