Always in My Heart

1942 "Here's a honey of a picture! — The heart-gladdening hit that introduces glorious Gloria Warren! To meet her is to love her!..."
6.2| 1h32m| NR| en

A man is pardoned from prison and returns to Santa Rita, CA to be with his family, but discovers his children have been told he's dead and his wife is in love with another man.


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Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Helloturia I have absolutely never seen anything like this movie before. You have to see this movie.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
rsda0723 I just caught this film on TCM. It must has escaped because I was the unfortunate one to catch it. I couldn't believe my eyes and ears when Gloria Warren comes on the screen as a 3rd rate Deanna Durbin. And she is on a boat (like THREE SMART GIRLS) then gets off the boat and gets on a bike to sing (every other Durbin film). The rest of the musical numbers done by groups of harmonica playing buffoons are torture to watch and more tortuous to listen to. The plot which is about Walter Huston an ex-con and Kay Francis his ex-wife gives them probably no more than an half hour of screen time. This was not remade as YOUNG AT HEART as it states in Trivia. YOUNG AT HEART was a remake of FOUR DAUGHTERS. If this was ever remade, someone forgot to take their pills that day. Slap-dash, moronic, ruined by over acting children and house keeper Una O'Conner. And Anthony Caruso dancing like a follies chorus boy with 2 left feet. And to think we have lost the negatives to such great films but this one survived. What a pity.
jolenelandis22 Horrible screenplay hardly worthy of a great talent like Walter Huston, who plays a man apparently wrongly imprisoned for years. His wife, mediocre actress, Kay Francis, divorces him and tells the children their father died. Years later, when they're in their teens, Huston is inexplicably pardoned and hitchhikes to California to see his son and daughter. Could have been an interesting drama, but completely misses every opportunity for thoughtful character development.The better part of the movie is nothing more than musical "filler" with the caterwauling daughter played by ingenue, Gloria Warren, either endlessly practicing her scales or launching into some totally forgettable song. Also, much screen time is devoted to the bratty antics of what must be the most annoying child star in the history of movies, Patty Hale.
virghammer What a supple, burnished soprano for a twenty-or-whatever-year old, what range! - Do you tin-ears (sorry; I can't resist) realise she just held a HIGH F (that's UNGODLY high) for a long time at the end of "Una Voce Poca Fa?" - and that whole harmonica / soft shoe number just performed by the company was adorable, accomplished and fun. FUN! - No fighting Ninjas, no hugely amplified, droning electroid muzack. The movie's about half through (am watching it on TCM just now) and I think it's a gas. Well done, lovely Gloria Warren, Walter Huston and co. A human story, told with feeling and class. Who knew. --- Oh rats, that's all I want to say, and this dang IMDb thing won't accept this review unless I make it much more verbose. Ho hum. What shalt I say here: well, Una What's her-Face (Olivia de Havilland / Maid Marian's chaperone in 1939) just played a tiny comic scene TO PERFECTION: "Dinner is served in the breakfast nook" - hilarious accent; perfect, light timing. - Those Brits sure perfected comic chops. - OK, is that 10 lines now?? I hope so. - I shalt now re-submit this scholarly, authoritative tome. LET'S HEAR IT FOR WARNER BROTHERS!
mpauleti I have seen this movie over 20 times. Every time it moved in me the deepest feelings about family, friendship, solidarity, truth, happiness and the joy of music. The husband who is a musical composer and is in prison, has lost all hope about joining his family again. He directs the orchestra in prison which is playing his composition "alwasy in my heart" at the time his wife visits him. He tells her to go ahead and marry again. Next day he finds out he has been given an "indult" and is free. He decides to pass by his town just to see his children and then leave. His children did not know he was alive (his wife had said that to them attending his request) so they meet him as a stranger who likes music and plays "always in my heart" to an audience where his daughter is present together with a group of harmonica players. Things happened in that visit. Manuel