Good story, Not enough for a whole film
To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
Marla Jones
The romance between Liam and Yan was very well done, from their 1st meeting it felt natural, but kismet. I didn't have much interest in the legal story of it, but it was fine, and the movie built towards a very unexpected bittersweet ending. Yikes, that hurt so so bad. Strangely I guess that's just life nowadays...
Miller Jenkins
I was totally expecting the standard happy Hollywood-style ending and it totally got me. I was like No!!!! That totally sucks for him. But I guess that's real life right?The film is so reflective of the changing times we live in and how small the world is right now. Asia is so sophisticated, it's no longer the third world we think of it as.They are the leaders in the world right now.
Bob Thomas
I moved to Shanghai about 5 years ago. I found this movie on Tencent's movie platform. I have to say this movie is very accurate about the dating in Asia. I was pleased to see Shanghai and I visit Hong Kong a lot. It got a bit emotional for me as I dated a girl just like the female lead. Though I'm decently successful, it's not necessarily enough for some of the women out here. There are cultural barriers that are beyond one's control.
Leigh Olsen
Always is a beautifully written love story that will really draw you in. I was hooked from the beginning. Derek Ting really outdid himself with this one. This is the kind of film that you find yourself watching time and time again. You will feel a wide range of emotions from joy, anger, and sadness. I won't spoil it for you, but be sure and grab a tissue or two. It will really make you think about life and relationships. The cinematography is breathtaking. I never realized how beautiful Hong Kong can be, and now I find myself wanting to visit because of this movie.Liam (Derek Ting) and Yen (Danni Wang) are a very realistic couple and you find yourself really rooting for them. The actors are so realistic too, so you feel like you could find yourself and your partner in the characters.I would definitely recommend this movie to anyone. It would make a great date night film.