I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
I love this movie so much
Jenna Walter
The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Janae Milner
Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Do you think that you know how America works? You don't.This is not the country of Washington, Jefferson, or Lincoln, not anymore. It's like the tree of liberty has eaten away by insects. Silent but deadly are these parasites who have killed our way of life.Watch this documentary if you want to be a human being living in freedom instead of a slave which is what we have all unwittingly become.It's not about the 1% versus the 99%. This is a distraction invented by the media to divert you from the real problem. It's not about your race or religion either.Watch this documentary, I beg you. It will open your eyes if you let it.
Mr. Russo's documentary is excellent. It truly shows both sides of the issue. He doesn't just get one-sided on this like a lot of documentaries. He shows how both Republicans and Democrats know of this fleecing to the American people. I liken the IRS tactics to that of Hitler. To give a organization such power to strong-arm the American citizens is such a travesty! Its also interesting how Aarron unveils more than his original quest of how big a fraud is being perpetrated on the public. It makes you sit up and take notice that if even X IRS agents speak out and X commissioners threaten that we can't be saved makes one realize its time to become leaders. Now I know most will thing just to go along with the status quo and say I'm doing fine well you might be now but what if a ripple in our standard of living affects us more personally. Do you think a corrupt government will think of you first. Remember New Orleans and remember how they put their interests first. I am Canadian but we are the same just divided by a border.
Although interesting information is contained within the first 30 minutes of America: FROM FREEDOM TO FASCISM, the latter half falls into chaotic paranoia. It's also noteworthy to point out that director Aaron Russo hasn't directed or produced a film since 1991 (the tremendously bad OFF AND RUNNING). I say this because if someone produces/directs poor fiction, their nonfiction might be questionable also, and this is undeniably the case here.Taking on the American Income Tax code, director Aaron Russo spotlights the lack of legal verbiage surrounding tax collection on the working man's income. That there isn't a legal precedence set up to prove that Income Tax is legitimately collectible is now pretty well known, and Russo's focus on this will likely send goose-bumps up your arms. Why are we paying taxes on working people's money? The simple answer is to help finance the government. And although our government has its flaws (some of them quite large), it is revered and mimicked by many. This still doesn't excuse our government's lack of legal responsibility when it comes to Income Tax collection, but most American's understand the need.Probably the most telling portion of the film was the videotaped audit of one man by the IRS, and when he asks the IRS agent to show him the law that allows him to be audited, the agent simply says that "his badge gives him the right." Hmm. That's pretty disconcerting. Intimidation by the IRS is probably their best strong arm method for collecting taxes (you don't pay, the government sends you to jail, just like Irwin Schiff). That's a pretty strong incentive. Rightly or wrongly, this is why most Americans pay their taxes, and Russo focuses prominently on these questionable tactics. But after this the film starts falling apart.Never does Russo tell or show us what to do about not paying income tax (aside from not doing so and risking jail time and confiscation of everything you own, or voting for political leaders who want to repeal the income tax ...which you'll have a hard time finding, I might add.) From here the documentary sinks even further. Flailing about like a child in a temper-tantrum, Russo then beleaguers us with information on National ID cards and implantable microchips. The story wanders well into conspiracy theory territory rather than sticking to the point of Income Tax collection and our legal rights regarding them.There's also the problem with the fact that documentaries (like fictional films) are a visual medium, and Russo's documentary constantly puts up black-and-white screens filled with reading material for the viewer to laboriously trudge through. What Russo should have done was to find experts on these items and filmed them. But we never see that because ...well ...my assumption is that either there aren't any experts, or those that were felt Russo to be so whacked out they refused to be filmed.At any rate, the beginning of the film is pretty fascinating, but after that you need to be anti-government enough to live in a box while clutching a copy of the U.S. Constitution and The Bill of Rights.
Viewers, with any vested interest in the affairs of this country, must pay heed to this documentary! For those thinking that Mr. Russo (the producer/director) is a mere conspiracy nut, thereby invalidating the movie's credibility, must consider the simple fact that Mr. Russo is a respectable figure in Hollywood, who has risked much by exposing the diabolical forces in this country... for a CAUSE! Moreover, one must also consider that this film substantiates & even bolsters its claims with copious & irrefutable proof, in the way of: painstaking research, numerous interviews, famous quotations, case history, legal precedence & last but not lease- the blatant reality of events that have come to pass & worse, to come... unless PEOPLE WAKE UP!!! Another great movie of the same genre- "Loose Change" & it's viewable by performing a Google search for "Loose Change video."