American Warships

2.8| 1h30m| R| en

When an alien force wages war on Earth, only the crew of the USS Iowa - the last American battleship, stands in their way.


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UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Majorthebys Charming and brutal
SteinMo What a freaking movie. So many twists and turns. Absolutely intense from start to finish.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Leofwine_draca AMERICAN WARSHIPS another of the numerous Asylum rip-offs of mainstream Hollywood cinema; this time around it's the turn of BATTLESHIP. The good news is that BATTLESHIP was a terrible film anyway, so AMERICAN WARSHIPS couldn't be any worse, and indeed it isn't; instead, it's just as bad. The story is trite and predictable, with a naval stand-off between American and supposed North Korean ships turning into a battle against an extraterrestrial enemy. There's a great deal of bad CGI in the form of endless explosions and the like, and very little in the way of wit or plot development; just repetition instead. Poor old Carl Weathers has been roped into appearing, while Mario Van Peebles somehow manages to not look embarrassed by the whole experience.
spider-20 I blame Starbucks for this mess. If they didn't have free WIFI, you wouldn't have horrible screenplays like this being written. If they only charged for WIFI, then aspiring writers would avoid Starbucks and get a real job. Jobs that contribute to society like dealing heroin and pimping, instead of writing movies like American Warships. This movie weakens the nation by rendering viewers stupid. Why? Because Mario Van Pebbles, that's why! Children make better movies using toys. This movie was very painful to watch and I watched as much as I could before I started vomiting blood from my eyes. Yes, it was that bad and I have the stains on my carpet to prove it. Please God, when judgment day comes, have mercy on their souls, or maybe not? It's totally up to you because you saw this movie in their minds before it was produced... and they still produced it? Okay, send them to hell.
itsfarhankhan I usually don't write reviews or comments, but this movie is so so pathetic that I created an account here just to say how bad this movie is to let out my frustrations. Its actually not a movie, its a cartoon made by some retarded clowns. We need to rather invent a new word in English vocabulary which should mean '100 times pathetic or disgustingly pathetic or pathetically pathetic' than that word would be suitable for this movie. Whoever has watched this movie for at least 20 min has become a 'victim' of this movie and must go to see any psychiatric to calm oneself down. I happen to see this movie on Netflix, but god bless those people who actually watched this movie on theaters. And moreover, despite the fact that they made the pathticest movie possible in mankind, they also showed intent for second part in the end by saying 'aliens might have sent distress signal'. ** Please do yourself a favor and do not watch this movie. **
Nick Damian Realistically, this movie was horrible on so many fronts, I can't even count.From downright insane graphic effects to bad green screen work, sloppy camera work and editing, over-dramatic performances and glances, needless pausing during dialogue, sets that are far from real and so much more.It was so zany and insane that I had an absolute laugh.I recently watched Battleship and disliked that movie as opposed to this. This was purposely bad, done on a fraction of a budget and it entertained.Is it the best movie ever? Hell no! Don't even think to expect that. This has more cheese than a pizza loaded with cheese and topped with extra cheese sprinkled after taken out of the oven.This was pure mush and anybody who fails to realize this should stick to watching over-hyped blockbuster failures with huge budgets and stories that suck, but don't make you laugh, but just pisss you off.This movie was bad...very bad, and for that fact, it was simply very good at being bad.