Amerikan Holocaust

5.7| 1h20m| en

Prepare yourself for a journey through HELL as you witness the private home videos of two whacked out Vietnam Vets on a killing spree. Michael Mashburn and his former Lieutenant, Antwan Mercer shelter themselves from the world to make a new beginning. They start by abducting young men and women and torture them for their own amusement. The victims will be treated to the most vial and heinous ways you can ever imagine. Some of them they will keep and force them to join their army, but most will all die a slow and horrible death. Watch a video diary of a madman where you will not only hear about these vicious crimes, you will actually watch them as they happen! The feature length film loosely inspired by the real life crimes of the serial killer duo Leonard Lake and Charles Ng who documented their heinous acts on home video. The film will be shot in found footage style and will be produced by John Miller and Chris Woods.


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Icon Film Studios


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Also starring Bob Glazier

Also starring Kelly Helen Thompson


Billie Morin This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
Fred Adelman This is one of the most morally reprehensible films I have ever seen. And I've seen my share of reprehensible films. This film not only makes you feel dirty and want to take a shower after watching it, the misogyny in this film is beyond redemption. Don't take anything I say as a recommendation; although there will be some sickos out there that love SOV crap like this, where it is nothing but scene after scene of women being degraded and slaughtered; because, in reality, this film only exists to raise the shackles of everyone who watches it. The story, if you want to call it that, is a "found footage" video documentation of two Vietnam War veterans, Michael Mashburn - Jules Sceiro - and the older Antwan Mercer - Bob Glazier, torturing and killing women and one man because they blame the war for making them that way, which is an insult to every soldier who fought in any war. Their antics make the late David Hess' role of Krug in LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT - 1972, look like Mister Rogers, but at least Hess had some class. These two actors are not ashamed to speak some of the worst bile imaginable and Glazier, especially, likes to play with his junk in front of the camera, watching an old man shaking his junk around is one of the least insulting parts of this film, but it's still shows a lack of basic human decency. This atrocious, abominable piece of dog excrement was directed/co-produced/co-written/photographed by Chris Woods and co- produced/co-written by John Miller and, for all I know, they are nice guys, but this film makes them look like women-hating misogynists, sure, there's a five minute female revenge scene at the end, but it doesn't excuse the 71 minutes that comes before it. The film begins with an online scrawl that says what we are about to see are tapes found by the New Forge Police Department on Mashburn's property and goes on to say that what we are about to witness are some of the most violent, humiliating and repulsive manners that anyone has never seen before. No police department would ever release tapes like this to the public. Never. The opening scene is of a slightly overweight hooker in a red S&M leather mask being walked around like a dog with a dog collar and a leash, forcing her to undress Mercer naked, he shakes his junk in front of her masked face, and then she climbs on top of him to give him a back rub, but when Mercer is not satisfied, Mashburn shows up and strangles her. We the watch an hour's worth of the most despicable footage of two men torturing women ever committed to film. Mercer's junk becomes infected from a hooker they kidnapped, assaulted and killed when he didn't wear a condom, we get to see an extreme close-up of his infected junk. The film then comes full-circle, as the hooker we saw in the red S&M mask and dog collar in the beginning of the film is not actually dead. When Mercer tries to stick his junk in what he thinks is her dead mouth, she bites it off, duct-tapes him to a chair, slaps his face with his dismembered junk and then makes him eat it. She then shoves the sharp heel of her shoe into Mercer's junk-less testicles until he dies; once again, none of this is left to the imagination. Mashburn sees Mercer dead and he is knocked unconscious. The girl has him tied-up, pulls out his teeth with a pair of pliers, rips out his tongue and shoves a shotgun up his posterior; Shades of the finale of the 2010 remake of I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE. She pulls the trigger and we see that the blast has blown the back of Mashburn's head off. Rose then comes running through the door, knife in hand and the film goes to static. An end crawl explains that police found 22 bodies on Mashburn's property, along with the bodies of Mashburn and Mercer. Rose and the hooker were never found, their whereabouts unknown. After 76 ultra- horrible minutes, this endurance test disguised as a film ends. I must confess that several times I nearly broke my cardinal rule of never turning off a film I am reviewing, because this film is nothing but sadism for sadism's sake. But, I "soldiered" on; Get it?; and watched the whole despicable movie, but you will never see me reviewing a film made by Chris Woods or John Miller again. Besides there being enough of plot holes to fill up a book about Swiss cheese; Like: Who was holding the moving video camera while the hooker is jamming the shotgun into Mashburn's posterior? and the filmmakers being too "generous" with all the fake video drop-outs, distortion and static. Just a note to the filmmakers: When you turn off a video camera, the screen goes black, not all static. Static is what happens on TVs when there is no signal., this is the biggest piece of trash that I have ever laid my eyes on. But I think that is exactly what Chris Woods and John Miller were aiming for, to give their company some publicity. In that case they succeeded, but they also lost a lot of future potential buyers in the future, including me. Anyone who sees this film as entertainment should have their heads examined. Hell, they should be committed. This is the longest review I have written in quite a while, but this film should get all the damnation it deserves. Also starring Rue Goregrinder, Tara Caitlan, Kathleen O'Brien, Meghan Christine and Jeania Ingle. Something tells me that when these young women get married and have families, they will regret appearing in this film. An Icon Film Studios/The Sleaze Box DVD Release. Unrated. . "Disturbing". "Vile". "Unsettling". 3 words that could describe the first film from director Chris Woods. Now I'm not saying that in a bad way, I'm just being honest. Does that mean it's a bad movie? No...but it depends on if you are a fan of this type of film.It's a faux documentary / found footage style film that tells the story of 2 friends, Michael & Antwan. 2 war veteran serial killers who thrive on kidnapping, torturing, raping, & murdering women. Throughout the movie, you slowly learn about how these 2 became the sickening duo they are. Having to work with pretty much ZERO budget, the movie was well shot & edited. The acting ( esp Sceiro & Glazier ) was really convincing & nauseating. I know some people have compared it to certain other films of this genre but I won't. I can see the inspiration but A.H. has it's own feel to it.Do I recommend seeing it? Yes...but like I said before, only if you "like" these type of flicks.
sharpsuddenshot Picked this DVD up at the Tampa Pitcher Show in Tampa, Florida this past Friday at a classic 90's film showing of Marcus Koch's film Rot. 4 people from the film were attendance and I had them autograph it. I love films like this I have all 3 of the Amateur Porn Star Killer DVD's & other independent films like this. Film is raw and gritty the way I like my serial killer films. I was expecting more torture porn (which I'm not really into) but besides the language and some male nudity there wasn't anything really that extreme in the film. Some good kill scenes and some creepy moments. Lots of foul language. For a $1000 budget if that is correct it's light years above most micro budget films. Lots of female nudity and yes some full frontal male nudity which I could of lived to not see but it gives the film a more real feeling to things. I met the two serial killers briefly and of course they are nothing like there characters in the movie & well if they were they would of been locked away years ago. This is a very good film if you like horror/slasher films with a more real edge. It is a b-movie and was made on a very limited budget so not for everyone tastes but I do recommend it to any serial killer or sleaze movie fan. The director is selling these right now as they were just released on the Sleaze Box label so look it up. Possibly a underground classic if enough people find out about it! Rape is talked about but not shown. Grab it up worth the money to have in your collection!!