Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Jenna Walter
The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
It wasn't the best horror film I've watched, but it most certainly was not the worst. It was good, and I was definitely intrigued to watch more mainly because of the actors. Mostly Kier O'Donnell who played the killer. He is an amazing actor and I think he definitely kept the film on its toes. The story line and plot was OK, however quite predictable. Three girls stalked and kidnapped. I did however like the idea of how they all had different stories leading up to meeting the killer one way or another as it all comes together in the very last scene. Many people complained at how the killer changed looks all the time for each story, but I think it was a smart idea. It made the killer more menacing and intimidating as you didn't know if he was someone else. It made you question who was actually who in the film. The script was OK but the actors made it sound better than I imagined it was originally written. I think the killer's most freaky look was in the scary looking, old hotel in the third story. The whole mad, creepy insane professor look goes great for the scenario of the scene! I loved how in the first story, he is an old innocent dude with glasses joining in on the convoy. It also made you think that the truck driver was the killer, with his intimidating look and suspicious behaviour as they made the actual killer look more innocent and 'normal' so to speak. Someone who you'd look at but not think they were going to kill you. The second story shows how the killer dons a clown costume which I think was extremely creepy. The third story showed the killer as, like I said before, a nutty professor type look which I think was the freakiest look. However, the killer is hidden just enough so you don't actually know it's the killer until you hear his signature laugh that you know it's him. Overall, I think everyone needs to stop being so picky. The acting was average from the girls, but very good from Kier. Being a fan of his I was not disappointed with his acting in the film. The film could of been improved to make it more scary and less predictable and more original. I recommend not watching this if your a die hard horror fan who picks out every little improvement and mistake or foul in the film. However, If your someone who will happily sit there and watch the film, understanding possible improvements but still enjoying the acting and the plot and who likes being freaked out in the dark with some friends, I suggest watching this film.
Nitzan Havoc
I've just finished watching Amusement, and I must say I'm a little disappointed. Not because the film was bad, but because it had the potential of being so much better.The beginning is excellent. First the opening credits with pictures from a highschool yearbook, then three separate stories divided "Tarantino" style, each showing the killer in a different disguise so it makes him not so easy to recognize. Also, the killer himself was excellent, his maniacal psychotic laughter and modus operandi were really great. Also, the acting was decent and the soundtrack was good.Other than that? A sad unsuccessful attempt. The screenplay had some very amateur holes in it... In the 2nd story (Tabitha), it was painfully obvious that the "doll" was no doll but a man. In the final part - there was a use of a very annoying cheat we've seen way too many times: the victim manages to wound the killer, then leaves him to recover instead of making sure he doesn't get up. Also, a cell phone with no reception... how many more times are we going to have to see that?! Towards the end - the killer survives an impossible situation. Nearer to the end - another cheat, this time suffered by the killer when his car won't start. And even nearer to the end - the killer leaves his victim with a dangerous knife at her disposal? What gives?!Pity. With the good direction work and the excellent killer, a better story and screenplay were really necessary. All in all - the result is a mediocre film, at best. Watch it if you feel like it, if only for the cool killer. If you don't watch it, you won't really miss a thing.
I read a lot of bad reviews on this site, but I saw this DVD yesterday and don't think the movie is that bad. O.k., there are a lot of plot holes, the movie is way too short and it could have been a lot better with a better scenario, but there are a few very good scenes, especially the scene with the clown... This is the creepiest clown since 'It'! The first scene is also good and scary. And the scene with the mute person... The end was not very satisfying, but if you want to see a creepy movie on a late Saturday night, you won't be disappointed. On internet the movie is often compared to 'torture porn' like 'Saw' and 'Hostel', but those movies have much more gory scenes than 'Amusement'.
Malika 'Mazing
Despite some pretty bad reviews, I actually strangely liked this movie. The plot was actually really good. It had a decent storyline structure. You'll enjoy the actual stories of each of the girls in the beginning more so then the conclusion.It's sort of like watching 3 different horror films, all boxed up and wrapped up neatly with a bow. This is more so a creepy "What if this was real?"rather than a "Jump out of your seat." sort or horror.The acting was lacking, but it wasn't enough to make me stop the film or think less of the movie as a whole. I enjoyed it for the most part. The one thing I would say is missing besides some better actors, is a better conclusion.Without spoiling, it had a perfect setup for a ongoing plot line, instead they did the cliché Hollywood ending of making it viewer-friendly. It would have been nice to see more development in this story. I would have watched a sequel just to see how far it can go in the story line.Overall, pretty good and worth a watch if you're a horror film lover.