If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Bea Swanson
This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Janae Milner
Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
This episode of Avonlea gives me goose bumps every time I turn it on. When the seventh season finished it was left rather wide open. I suppose that's the way it should be. I was so glad to see "Happy Christmas Miss King". I cried from the opening scene, all the way to the closing. It's amazing now nine years later we have loved ones back at the war front, and the emotions are the same as they were for those who had family in the First World War. The parallels of yesterday and today ring through soundly in this special. I have read some comments that say not worth the wait... well, I guess you just have to get it. If you love the life and times of Avonlea and dream there was still such a place, you will not be disappointed.
About 20 characters from RTA vanished without even the slightest attempt to explain their whereabouts (including half the siblings in one family),and plot twists totally contrary to what RTA had explained. While it had a few good moments (and good perfomances by Jackie Burroughs as Hetty King and a shining cameo by Zachary Bennett as Felix King) to help it towards the end, they were not enough to offset the dreary tone throughout (with a disappointingly lackluster performance by Gema Zamprogna as Felicity Pike- who had done far better on the series) and overall, it wasn't worth the anticipation! Strictly for RTA fans willing to check their memory cells and logical reasoning at the door!
As a devoted fan of "Road to Avonlea", to say I was looking forward to this movie is putting it mildly!Once again, Avonlea didn't let me down. The same colourful characters were charming as always and the scenery was beautiful (although it wasn't the Avonlea I remember- those of you who have seen it will know what I mean. But of course, Avonlea will "remain in our hearts forever" so it doesn't really matter).However, Avonlea just wasn't the same without Gus, Jasper, Davey and Dora, to mention a few. Also, I found this movie to be somewhat "darker" than the show ever was. I suppose this was to be expected since it's set in wartime, I guess even idyllic Avonlea can't help but to be influenced by the war."Happy Christmas Miss King" tied up a few unanswered questions that were left in the finale episode of "Road to Avonlea"- "So Dear to my Heart", but it created a whole bunch of new unanswered questions!! I think this calls for another Avonlea reunion, right???
Road To Avonlea ended a while ago and a reunion would be agreat idea. When I found this was actully happening I was excited and for the most part I was not disappointed, though it is predictable this is a wonderful family and Christmas movie.