Anaconda 3: Offspring

2008 "They Can Taste Your Fear"
2.8| 1h31m| R| en

A mercenary-for-hire accepts a mission from a billionaire to capture a dangerous snake that could possibly help cure a terminal illness.


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Laikals The greatest movie ever made..!
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Micah Lloyd Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
gavin6942 A mercenary-for-hire accepts a mission from a billionaire to capture a dangerous snake that could possibly help cure a terminal illness.What really makes or breaks this film is the awful CGI. And it breaks it, big time. The plot is okay, and the blood and gore are far better than you might expect (though some of the blood is so fake as to be comical). Those snakes... so terrible. And they do not even try to hide it, putting them on screen almost as much as possible. You can do better than that.The selling point of the film is David Hasselhoff. I am not sure how often you can say that, butt it is definitely true in this case. His character, although really more of a secondary role, is redeeming and entertaining. He loves to bite cigars and not smoke them.
Julian Zhang The movie is the third sequel to the anaconda franchise. The movie entirely is a movie with 2 giant snakes that are killing people. The movie has good things and bad things in scenes and the plot of the movie.The good: the movie is not exactly a horror, but the movie has lots of action violence and it would be categorized as an action movie. The movie has some surprising scenes, not scary, (not bring up spoilers).The bad: the movie has a lot of things that make it a B-movie. One thing is that the computer CGI is very weak and appeals to be a TV movie. The acting by the characters is weak in most of the scenes. Character development is shown as no importance. Overall: the movie is shown as a low-budget film that went straight to TV and DVD that has very little effect on the public.Score: 3/10
taikaelain When you see the title, Anaconda 3, you know what to expect, or what not to expect. Do NOT expect witty lines, intelligent plot, Oscar-winning acting, breathtaking CGIs or scientifically accurate factual details. Instead you can look forward to experiencing extremely awkward acting, dull and one-dimensional characters, very cheesy lines, supremely crappy CGIs, or in other words, a film that has not one single reason speaking for its existence. The only reason I'm giving this pile of dung one point is the unintentional (?) comedic value. You cannot watch this movie without busting out laughing every three minutes. So, do not go and watch this movie in order to see horror, gore, thrill or action, because all you get is a very hungover looking David Hasselhoff repeating cheesy lines and waving a embarrassingly crappy gun with a "hot" (meaning super annoying) blonde "doctor" chick on his arm as they sprint around an East-European forest after two CGI snakes that look like they were designed by a three year old.
lhughes461 When I stumbled across this on Sy Fy and saw that the Hoff was in it I thought, proceed with caution it's either going to be good or terrible. It was terrible for the most part although did have the potential to be so much better.The film mainly consisted of the super giant snake attacking people in a variety of ways. It was far too focused on the various gruesome ways a stereo-snake could kill someone and not really on much else.Overall it was just needlessly gory.That being said I got to the end and did manage a chuckle at points so it passed the B movie test. It's watchable if nothing else is on but I wouldn't go out of your way.