And Now... Ladies and Gentlemen...

6.1| 2h13m| en

A jazz singer and a British jewel thief are brought together by their mutual desire to forget the past.


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Also starring Patricia Kaas


FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Thorsten-Krings Well...I like Patricia Kaas. She is a beautiful lady and an extremely gifted and versatile singer. Her acting in this film is more than competent and from my point of view about the only redeeming feauture of this film. She very gently captures the essence of the lonely singer with a very serious helath problem. However what I tremendously dislike about the film is the shameless product placement for a well known French chain of hotels. The other thing is that the story seems to meander for way to long without really deciding what the film is about and what it wants to be. On a positive note you may argue that the film is not predictable but you could also say it's plainly boring because of the lack of cohesion. There are some nice shots in the film bujt you can't help thinking that all the parts just don't add up to anything at all. It really is a pity bevcause Kaas really shines in this film.
George Parker ...and I don't know why. "And Now Ladies and Gentlemen" isn't so much the light drama it appears to be as it is a rich, ebullient, zesty feast of film fare for the viewer. Yes, there's a story in which Iron's plays an amnesiac con-man who encounters a beautiful jazz singer with a similar health problem. But, however interesting the story is, it's just the glue which binds together a colorful potpourri of film fare from jazz ballads which flow like honey to cute/clever con schemes to ocean voyages to exotic locations to variegation of cultures/languages to beautiful/handsome visages to...etc. Whether intended or not, this film is a wonderful celebration of life to be enjoyed, not analyzed. (B+)
Rogue-32 If you are in the market for a thoroughly original film - an all-engulfing mind-blowing experience that will enthrall you from the (stunning and hilarious) opening sequence and take you on a dazzling cinematic journey the likes of which you have never taken before (and quite possibly might never take again), get yourself to one of the 3 theatres in Los Angeles that is currently playing "And Now...Ladies and Gentlemen" and settle in for an exquisitely sublime treat. Jeremy-incapable-of-giving-a-less-than-brilliant-performance-Irons is magnificently in his element here as jewel thief extraordinaire Valentin Valentin, and Patricia Kaas, making a thrilling movie debut, is a complete revelation as singer Jane Lester. They both need something in their lives that they're not finding, until they find each other, in Claude Lelouch's masterfully written and directed story of regret, desire and ultimate redemption. This is possibly Irons' best performance of his career thus far, worthy of another Oscar nomination at the very least.
dororthy Warning: if you expect this film to be a typical Hollywoodian action movie, then you need to pick another film. And now...Ladies and Gentlemen is in many ways quintessentially French, which means it is character-driven and subtle. However, it inherits many of the typical French flaws: the artsy feel of depth (the movie is meant to make you doubt the story as it is recounted by two people, neither of which can trust their memories, and therefore confuse dream-images and reality. It gets pretty annoying, especially at the end: you feel that the director could not be bothered to make a choice as to what happens to his characters), the slowness (oh my god, that was just too much for me. I know that there is no need for some frantic action, but did Lelouch really need to show us precisely why we need action in movies? After endless scenes in which nothing significant happen you feel ready to scream). Although the leads give good performances, and the beginning is Okay, I would not recommend this movie, if only because the ending is too frustrating (I absolutely hate the kind of movie that falsely tries to be ambiguous by letting the viewer write the ending. It sounds more like laziness than ambuguity to me).

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