Very disappointed :(
I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
It is not only a funny movie, but it allows a great amount of joy for anyone who watches it.
an ambitious but ultimately ineffective debut endeavor.
This sequel to the very popular Kærlighed ved Første Hik is not a very good movie. If you've seen Kærlighed ved Første Hik you'll recognize the tone of this movie and the characters, but that's about it. The jokes are not funny and the acting is even worse (although Peter Gantzler does a pretty decent job).But what really bothers me about this movie is the way it portrays the Danish youth of today. The dialogue sounds like it was written by a 45-year-old man (and it probably was too) and Viktor and his friends don't act like they're seniors at Falkonergården (Viktor's high school). By the way - why has Viktor and his friends changed schools since Kærlighed ved Første Hik? If they want the high schools to look like `any regular high school' they shouldn't use two schools as recognizable as Ordrup Gymnasium and Falkonergården.If you really loved Kærlighed ved Første Hik you might enjoy this one slightly too, but if you're not a fan of the series, stay away from this movie. It does not stand by itself, and in the end the audience is left indifferent to whether or not Viktor gets to keep his girlfriend.1/10
This is the sequal of the movie "Kærlighed ved første hik", based on the book with the same title. Anja get's a job in the city and moves there. Viktor, being afraid to lose her, get's the job as handyman in the same building. A very funny movie, and a must to see if you liked "Kærlighed ved første hik"