Best movie ever!
Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Stephan Hammond
It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Let's start with the positives, which are numerous. The adaptation is mostly accurate, with plenty of time to unfold; and the scenery and casting are top-notch. All the actors do a splendid job but Richard Farnsworth and Colleen Dewhurst as Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert steal the show, giving absolutely definitive portrayals! As for Anne and Gilbert, apparently it's almost blasphemy to criticise Megan Follows or Jonathan Crombie in any way. They are both totally winning in their roles, but I can't help wishing that the young versions of these characters had been played by more age-appropriate actors. Anne's aging throughout is impressive, but nowhere does she or Gilbert look 11. The young Anne's escapades are always charming but quite childish in nature, and would be more endearing if she didn't look 14 or 15. But she's such a lovely Anne, you can overlook this.As a lover of the novel, my main gripe with this adaptation is that the chronology is jumbled up. If you compare this against the novel you'll see that the incidents are all there but out of order. This is completely needless: when you have the luxury of a miniseries, why not just use the novel's structure as a model? Pretty simple really! Consequently many "small" changes have been made which are actually quite big. For instance, in the novel there is no "trial period" for Anne at Green Gables, as Marilla informs her early on that she can stay; in the tv series, keeping her in suspense seems cruel. Similarly there is a scene in the miniseries where Anne confesses that she inadvertently let a mouse drown in the sauce. People often single this out as a warm and funny moment, but nobody ever mentions that it's not actually in the novel! In reality Anne flavours a cake with Anodyne Liniment. So even though this adaptation is more or less accurate, one can see the beginnings of Kevin Sullivan's disregard for the source material - which becomes increasingly more blatant in his subsequent Anne movies.However, when all is said and done, this is a wonderful adaptation and easily the best out there! But that isn't hard since all the others to date are basically a waste of time. 8/10
This movie was a huge disappointment for me. I have been a big fan of Lucy Maud Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables since my childhood, but the movie fell short of my expectations... The characters were more or less okay, but I am not satisfied with the theatrical play, their gestures, their talking and so on. The movie was shallow and slow, Anne was very nerve-trying and annoying instead of cute and musing, besides the Prince Edward Island is a much more beautiful place, than it is depicted here. Maybe my expectations were too high, because in my imagination this story was very different from this movie. In my opinion, the high rating points are caused by infatuated fans of Anne, whom are almost irrelevant the quality of the movie, just have a cinematization of it.
Anne of Green Gables is a movie that holds a special place in my heart. I first saw this with my mother years ago, and it quickly became our favorite movie. We must have watched it every time we were together. And no matter how many times we watched it, every viewing always seemed like the first time all over again. We laughed and cried at all the same places, and couldn't wait until the day when Gilbert and Anne would finally be together. My mother developed cancer and suffered for two years. This movie was a wonderful escape for her and myself. I lost her 4 months ago, and at first I thought I would never be able to watch this movie ever again, but I was wrong. It only means that much more to me now. For now it holds even more wonderful memories. This is a movie that is meant to be shared with someone special. Just as I did.
I believe the Megan Follows production is surely the best of all the versions that have been produced... I saw the 1934 version with Tom Brown (wonderful actor) on TCM this morning. It was OK, but many things had been changed for some inexplicable reason!However, the production with Megan Follows and Colleen Dewhurst does not suffer when brought to the screen. Being a mini-series it takes its time to show us the characters and all their quirks. In my opinion, no production can compare to the Megan Follows version. It's simply brilliant. All the actors embodied their roles to perfection.I watched it over a Saturday and Sunday, 6 years ago, as there were at least 2 tapes and maybe more. Later on, I tried to read the books but after seeing Megan Follows, I just couldn't. Perhaps I am too old now...after all, they are children's books with all the fantasies woven in that children have.I recommend this production to everyone--this movie will blow your socks off. Megan with her flaming and flowing hair is such a perfect Anne. I cannot explain how wonderful the actors are playing Marilla and Matthew. You just have to see it yourself.