Annie O

5.1| 1h33m| en

When a 15-year-old becomes the first female starter on her high school's male basketball team, her achievement is marred by the treatment she receives at the hands of her teammates, her brother and even her boyfriend.


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Also starring Lenno Britos


Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
David_Brown Annie O is not a bad film, just predictable. If you ever saw " Bend It Like Beckham" ( with Parminder Nagra playing Jess a teenage girl having to decide on family traditions, and playing soccer and having to overcome many obstacles in order to follow her dreams), you get the story. Here, it is about Annie " Sureshot" Rojas ( Coco Yares) who is a girl playing on the boys basketball team, because there is no girls team at Washington High School. Of course, one of her big problems is there are a few people ( most notably her mom ( like in " Bend It Like Beckham")), who do not want her playing. spoilers ahead Her biggest supporter is Coach Cody ( Rob Stewart), who knows just how great she can be. In one scene School Principal Aragon says " She is one in a million" and he says " She is rarer than that." He then tells off her mom, because she wants her " to have a normal life like the rest of us." He tells her why she can't ( of course, mom knows the Coach has her best interest at heart so she lets him fix things ( after she was turned into a celebrity after helping the School win the Washington State High School Championship). The biggest problem with the film was a very sweet but contrived romance between Annie and star player " Wild" Bill Harper, because you knew that after the semester ( including where she beat him in a game of one on one, with the proceeds to start a girls team), that they will be going in different directions ( Wild" Bill getting a Scholarship at UCLA and Annie finishing High School and then moving on to a College of her choice). I give it 7 of 10 stars. A good film not great
PsychNurseinWI This movie captures the age old dilemma of societal gender conformity. The movie's main character has a talent that is usually seen as masculine, her school has a team that would showcase that talent except for one thing, she's a girl. The story shows what would probably happen in a school in the United States in the mid-90's, possibly even today, if a young lady chose to go off the beaten path of crocheting and baby-making. It's a movie made for tweens/teens, with a feel good message for girls. Adults probably would find it irritating as they already lived through it in high school themselves. It has a Disney quality that brings some cheese but not nearly as cheesy, just flavored let's say. You also can't get this movie on DVD apparently.
thekidgonzalez This movie is about a girl that plays basketball all the time. I saw it on HB0 a long time ago. She wants to get on a basketball team. And no Annie O isn't related to Annie (Tomorrow, Tomorrow, your only a day away) or Annie Oakley.