Anus Magillicutty

2003 "Tastes Great, Less Feeling!"
2.3| 1h10m| NR| en

When Anus Magillicutty's woman stops a would-be assassin, Anus is forced to interrupt his life of guzzling beer and women to dispose of the corpse. What starts as a simple chore quickly escalates into a darker plot of deceit and revenge where it seems even Satan himself is after Anus.



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Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Sam It's very rare that a film comes along which is quite like this. After the final credits had left the screen, my mind was filled with the images I'd seen, my head ringing with the dialogue.I'm resisting the urge to compare it to other films because, although 'Anus' has obviously drawn on classics for its feel, there is nothing quite like the experience of watching it.This viewer is now very tempted to look at the cast and crew's other work, to see how it fares to 'Anus'. I won't spoil anything here for people who haven't seen it, but BOY are you in for a surprise. But what did I like most about the film? Specifically, the milieu.
Admiral Patrick Von Fearyman III So very honestly, I have never had an experience like watching this movie, both as an amateur film-maker...but also as a human being. The sheer poignancy of a script that was 99.9% unscripted is mind-blowing, I'm surprised I've been able to stop crying for long enough to write this review but I feel the world must know. Last night I had to go out on a walk simply to think about the movie and reflect on it. It was a full 3 hours until i returned. And even then it was only because I found myself thinking about Anus' woman and wandered into oncoming traffic. For my own safety I came home but with a serious moral dilemma on my hands. Now don't get me wrong, I'm your normal, run-of-the-mill heterosexual. To quote Betty "I like the ladies y'know, i do like 'em". But very honestly, if i were to swing in THAT way I bet you a big shiny penny it'd be because of Anus Magillicutty. The only thing that did keep me in a non-bisexual frame of mind was that woman of Anus. I mean, damn! that woman is fine! This comment has a maximum of 1,000 words so I won't even BEGIN on the technical superiority or the mastermind of a director that helmed the project. I gave this rave reviews to all my film-making buddies and after going on for an hour I'm always asked the same question. But what did I like most about the film? Specifically, the milieu.
k9unit_k19 From the makers of... Anus Magillicutty... comes... Anus Magillicutty. A phenomenal triumph in the annals (haha, anal) of film-making. There's a reason why the "A" in "Anus" is capitalized.As Anus would say "Oh, was I supposed to cum?" I on the other did not forget. I skeeted all over the place as I was watching because it was so good.Something about this movie... maybe the horrible execution, maybe the first time actors... have my heart beating like a jackhammer. Truly, no movie will ever be able to top this. The possible exception being Snakes On a Plane.My name is General Awesome, and I approve of this film.
bobolikesbananas Some films are declared bad because they follow formulas, present ridiculously implausible events, or just fall flat on the screen. These are the films that deserve the name "bad movie". There are others which just don't stir anything in the viewers and flood the senses with under-dramatized filler, what Hitchcock fans might describe as "impure cinema". Anus Maguillicutty is fits neither one of these, it grabs you by the throat and challenges you to watch it with anything less than passionate, gut-wrenching feeling. This is by all rights a great film. Small wonder that the viewers either love it or hate it, but nobody feels in between. That is the inherent risk of creating any great work of art, and you have to keep this in mind while watching a film so irreverent and slapsticky on the surface.

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