
2.4| 0h30m| R| en

On a small island off the California coast it's the Fourth of July and tourists are washing up dead in Babylon Bay, once again! In 1987, rumor has it that mysterious sea creatures called Aquanoids were responsible for 17 vicious deaths. The Mayor dispelled the sightings as urban legend to protect the local tourist trade. Join environmental activist Vanessa DuMont as her fight to save the endangered abalone on Santa Clara Island turns into a fight of her life.


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Also starring Ike Gingrich


Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Conor Moore Now, i have been watching B-movie horrors for sometime now and this film is by far the worst one i have ever watched but also the best. If your looking for good script, acting, story etc. then avoid this film like the plague however if you are looking for a cheap laughter filled night in with the lads, this is the one for you. With no where near believable characters and a largely endowed femme fa tale you know your in for at least some cheap laughs and nudity. The script while trying to be serious is just awful, thats all that can be said....awful, just bloody awful.The script is devoid of interesting plot turns and any real creativity, if you gave a monkey a type writer the script for aquanoids would quickly churn out.I do however have a place in my heart for this film, even though the script was downright terrible, some moments in this film are just a must to commit to memory and are undeniably funny. The camera quality too adds to the hilarity, as a good friend whom i watched this with described its quality very well as "porno Cam".to conclude, if you see this in a bargain bin, buy it just to see what I'm talking about but if you are not someone in persuasion of B-movie horror you best look somewhere else.
slayrrr666 "Aquanoids" is an enjoyable fun and cheesy creature feature.**SPOILERS**During the Fourth of July celebration, Vanessa, (Laura Nativo) warns Frank Walsh, (Edwin Craig) and Clint Jefferson, (Ike Gingrich) that a swarm of deadly creatures, the Aquanoids, have returned to the harbor, though no one takes her seriously. Bringing along her friends Ronald Jackson, (Laurence Hobbs) and Christina, (Rhoda Jordan) together they realize that she's right and try to warn others about the creatures. When they try to force the others into listening to their story, the corruption of the higher-ups forces them to reconsider their plan, and when it takes into account the fact that they're now trying to make sure she doesn't spread the rumors about the creatures returning. When they start to notice that others around them are disappearing, they decide to take matters into their own hands and go out to attack the creatures, preventing them from going after the Fourth of July celebrations in town.The Good News: There's a lot to this one that really helps it out. The fact that it's a glorious tribute to the films of the past means that it really has a lot to offer for those who happen to love that kind of film. From the old-school manner in which it plays out the stereotypes from the past, the corrupt mayor who wants to sweep the incident under the rug during a major holiday celebration, the frequent actions of the creatures to munch down on scantily-clad beach-goers and throwing a bucketful of gore and action into the story are just prime examples, and each one here really plays a part of why this one works. There's a lot more gore in this than expected, and the kills in here are quite bloody. There's a harpoon through the throat, having a face scratched and clawed, a neck bitten out, massive scratches across the back, a foot, arms, hands and a leg ripped off and gunshot wounds, with much more in here. One of the cheesiest scenes in the film provides some great gore as well, as there's a sequence where the creatures are birthed through a victim all done in close-up, and it rips the stomach open in great detail. The sequence as a whole is one of the cheesiest in the film, which is full of these scenes as mentioned, all of which makes for some great viewing. The action in here is also really nice. It has a couple of great confrontations with the creatures, including one down in the water weeds that gets really tense at times due to the uncertain feeling of when they'll appear, the ending has a great confrontation in the surf that has a couple of great moments, and the fact that there's even a couple of great underwater sequences really help this one along. The creatures themselves are rather cool looking, looking like a human with more aquatic-friendly facial features, sharp claws and fangs and much more streamlined, fish-like bodily features. They're appropriate creatures in this kind of cheesy film, looking like a throwback creature to the past while being unique enough to be different. The last part to this is the really nice amount of nudity to this, which is enough to be appropriate without being sleazy and really makes a nice addition to the film. These here are the film's best parts.The Bad News: This one here doesn't have much wrong with it. The fact that it's too short is something to get over, and is it's biggest flaw. There's really not a whole lot that can't be done for this to spread the length out, but it really doesn't seem like it should be just barely an hour, and a little back-history on the creature's origins or where they came from. That alone is something which could've spread out the running time a little bit, and fixed the film's other minor flaws all at once. There's also the film's rather high cheese quotient, which has a couple of problems on it's own in that it's not for everyone and is capable of delivering some real groan-inducing moments from it. It's not detrimental to the film, but it is there and does have some problems to it, though it's not all that bad.The Final Verdict: A really great and fun throwback to the creature features of the past, there's a lot to this one that makes it quite good. Any fan of that style of films should love this, and all creature feature fans or lovers of cheesy fare should give it a shot, while those who can't appreciate this kind won't have much luck with it.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Nudity, Graphic Language and a mild sex scene
hocfocprod OK, it's obvious the budget on this movie wasn't huge...or big...or enough even, but I'm a sucker for rubber-suit monster flicks and Aquanoids delivers. It's shot well and the sound is clean most of the time. Some things don't make much sense, but it's about sea monsters, so leave your disbelief at the door, make some popcorn and give the DVD a spin.If you think the old Doctor Who episodes are too schlocky looking, or the monsters in Space 1999 ruin the plot line, then this movie probably isn't for you.If you want some gore, nudity, an above average for this type of movie plot and a cool looking monster than you'll probably enjoy Aquanoids. I'm not saying to run out and buy it, but it certainly worth an online rental for monster fans.
Chris Mackey (guestar57) AQUANOIDS with Eric Spudic "Killers Of The Sci-Fi Sea, With gore & more…That's a good movie."Lara Nativo is a really nice Scream Queen©.There is a lot of footage of Catalina Island,Kind of a travelogue for Gorehounds.There is some political stuff because of the tourism problem with so many deaths,Didn't we learn from the JAWS movie that danger BRINGS tourists.The AQUANOIDS(monsters) look like the Sleestak from TVland's LAND OF THE LOST.I liked the movie.Great fight scene between man and woman.The casting seems from a Soap Opera employment agency.Some of the acting seemed forced and other times roles could have been themselves.

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