
2006 "Her Spirit Will Be Avenged"
5.9| 1h37m| en

A salt storehouse near the sea may be haunted. A penniless ex-con dies a gristly death in a house he can ill afford. The detectives assigned the case are Min, newly reinstated after a suspension, and Lee, a new transfer from forensics. Min has nightmares: a sexual assault that haunts her. She and Lee work well together, but soon two more deaths occur - each mysteriously poisoned, both friends of the ex-con. A fourth friend, a newly married doctor, is a suspect. But what has all this to do with the salt storehouse, a death ten years ago, and a missing girl? Can Min and Lee get to the bottom of it, or is the supernatural beyond a cop's reach?


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Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
lastliberal A Korean horror film from first-time (not counting a short) writer/director Sang-hoon Ahn. It is also a first film for TV actress So-yeong Choo, who plays a detective coming off suspension.First, you would think the writers didn't miss a flick: The Grudge, One Missed Call, Shutter, or CSI. Min (So-yeong Choo) has a new partner straight from a year in Forensics. Can a film that borrows from so many present anything original? Several men die under mysterious circumstances after being visited by a long-haired ghost. Sound familiar. They are tied to a dead some 10 years ago.What is good about the film is the cinematography and the sound, and the fact that it focuses on the detectives rather than the ghost or the victims. Min has a secret that probably drove her to become a detective.Her partner has a secret, too.
chrichtonsworld When I read about "Arang" I thought it was a thriller about two cops catching some serial killer. To my surprise it turns out to be horror movie. OK,I must admit that it is not entirely original in using a Asian long haired girl as a ghost. To be fair it remains creepy. Even if I have seen it a dozen times earlier in other Asian horror flicks. The long black hair,the scary eyes,the pale face. Can you honestly say that such a sight doesn't get to you. As long as all the other elements of the movie go into another direction thus creating a different kind of experience I don't see the harm in using this ghost. Most of the movie is quite fast paced and very slick. The thing I liked about this movie was the fact that they play around with the different genres. At one hand it seems to be a horror movie and on the other hand the supernatural elements easily can be dismissed when some evidence is given to explain the audience that what we have seen did not happen. It does require some imagination and you have to be forgiving in order to accept all of this. Not being sure if the ghost is real or not is part of the fun. The twists and turns make sure of it that we keep guessing until the end. Quite a lot of scares and tricks may have been borrowed from other movies. But in combination with some clever plot twists and good acting "Arang" does offer an original and fun viewing experience!
gila_film Based on Korean folk tales, Arang is the latest variation in the tradition of long-haired-ghost that long plaguing Korean movies. Add some detective routine, Arang try it best being different, alas still fence in the very same old formula.A veteran female detective with troubled past, So-young (Song Yoon-ah, Face), is investigating a series of homicide case. Assisted by a rookie cop, Hyun-gi (Lee Dong-wook), they try their best to reveal the killer. Soon they found that every victim is received email from the same sender before they died. They track the email from a website called 'Min-jung's Salt Storehouse'. As the plot progress and some appearing of a Kayako clone, the truth comes as over-the-top as a sappy Korean melodrama.Yes, the director Ahn Sang-hoon, try to differ his works from the others Korean Horror with an attempt with a-whodunit-mystery. But, he seems neglecting to throw out the elements that now being the very lame formula for Asian horror. So, even the investigation routine somewhat interesting, the keep appearing of the ghost is irritating. He should try with more original effort or stick to the tale instead, rather than make Arang into another trashy horror movie.I would not say Arang doesn't entertaining, because it does. But, it's not enough to be a fine watch, because it somewhat fail for satisfying either horror or thriller. If only it restraint to one objective and had more proper set-up and decent ending, I believe Arang will delivers.
katalili2000 I've been hoping that this movie will bring something new to the South Korean horror industry, but I was wrong. The plot is basically the same as in tons of other Asian movies, dealing with an old grudge, that seeks retribution. I would say the best part of the movie is it's beginning, as later on almost every scene is so predictable it makes it hard to watch. The ghost is depicted as in a dozen Asian movies, a female with long black hair falling over her face, with "spooky" eyes. A strange mix of Ringu an Ju-on, to be polite and not say rip-off. There are twists in the plot, but again, the twist is so predictable it makes you laugh. Even though, this is a good movie, it will entertain you for 90 minutes, but that's all. You won't be talking about it and hoping to see it again. As I'm a fan of Asian horrors, I was glad to watch this, but after seeing it I can't say I'm delighted. A few scares, predictable plot and twists, long haired ghosts with "funny" eyes.

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