So much average
one of my absolute favorites!
It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
After spending the day watching films from three excellent French New Wave directors,I decided that I would wrap up my French movie viewing day with something completely different. Eyeing Netflix UK's limited French selection, I found a unique-sounding title which led to me putting my heart in the Arctic.View on the film:Moving from shorts to feature films for the first time, writer/director Marie Madinier displays an impressive level of ambition, but an awkwardness in the execution. Starting with scientists looking at mice have sex,the screenplay by Madinier struggles to find a consist tone, via a tender Indie Drama exchange between
Christophine and Quignard, (played by a sweet Charlotte Le Bon & Guillaume Canet) being undermined by the very next scene hitting a sex Comedy gag. Frosting the screen up with Claude Miller's former cameraman Pascal Marti ,Madinier appears more sure-footed in the directing style,with the human sex scenes having a breezy mood,and a tasteful use of CGI warming the Arctic heart.
Preslav Penchev
Just saw the movie at a pre-premiere last night in Paris during the Champs-Elysées Film Festival and it's full of quality laughs and gives a fresh view for everyone looking for a relaxing comedy to watch. It also has dramatic elements to touch your heart and, at least for me, quite an unexpected ending. In many ways it resembles a typical french comedy, which is always a good thing since they are usually much more direct and naturalistic. I hope it'll do well with its french release in one week. Stable 8/10 mostly for originality,interesting new view and steady performance from both the charming Charlotte Le Bon and Guillaume Canet :)