Arizona Sky

2008 "As boys they grew apart. As men they discover what matters."
5.4| 1h32m| en

Jake and Kyle are two boys who grew up together in rural Arizona. They are best friends, and they begin to take their relationship to the next level when Jake's father moves him and his family away to California. Jake and Kyle can never forget their strong emotional bond, and Jake, overworked and unattached, goes back to his hometown for the first time in 15 years to see Kyle and renew their special friendship.


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Also starring James McCabe


AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
etslee Not everyone will appreciate Jeff London's film making style but I've actually found it refreshing in its straight forward (some would say simplistic) style and earnestness. The actors make the most of what they are given.
Gerald Dunham ah beyond the title summary... POOR casting choice for the goateed adult lead actor; NOTHING realistic in the scenes, ZERO chemistry between the supposed lead actors, both the younger and older versions... OVERACTED scenes...I literally cringed every time they kissed... and I'm a huge gay kiss enthusiast, but between THESE guys??? Something quite unnatural about it all...The closing scenes... just unbelievable and unrealistic.I have to be honest, it was PAINFUL to sit through this movie, and the ONLY reason I persisted was... I HAD to see if there was ANY way... that it could get WORSE, as it progressed.And... I wasn't disappointed; it actually managed... to get worse.Basic story premise COULD have been decent, for a great gay film... but with all the above mentioned SEVERE flaws... it was a terrific example in just HOW to make a REALLY dreadful, awful, unwatchable movie.
coloradokid719 I bought this film without knowing anything other than the advertised description. It is a wonderful film and it evoked real emotions from me.After my first viewing, admittedly, I felt that there were some missing storyline elements, and the way the scenes were cut together was somewhat annoying. The acting in this film, however, seems so much more realistic than others I've seen. I don't think that categorizing this film as a "Brokeback Mountain wannabe" is unfair, but taken for what it is, which is a love story between two unrequited lovers reuniting, it's very good.Upon second viewing, it seemed to fit together better than the first time. The only scene that still seems unsettling to me is the confrontation between Kyle and his cousin, Heath, after he finds Jake and Kyle in bed together. It's the only scene that, to me, doesn't seem realistic. The pacing of the scene between Jake and Cora (Kyle's indigent friend) was also not great. It was well-acted, but the pace was too slow. I felt like I could have driven an 18-wheeler between their lines at times.Jayme McCabe is sheer perfection as the closeted gay man who never left the little podunk town where he grew up. I've seen other work by Eric Dean, and he was much better in this film. His portrayal of a man who did leave the little podunk town, and forged a successful career in the film industry, but who still pines for his first love back home, to me seems very accurate. Just because someone lives in Hollywood doesn't mean they "become Hollywood," even if they work in the industry. I think Jeffery London has a clear stroke of genius in portraying Jake that way. Brent King, as Jake's best friend/housemate Steve, is a little different, admittedly, but having known men who act almost exactly like Steve, he was a pleasant surprise. Patricia Place, as Aunt Elaine, was absolutely wonderful. She's a very sweet, peaceful older woman, and when she gets up in Kyle's face and tells him he needs to own up to who he is and be happy, it is a great treat.The fact that these two men, who have been separated for 15 years and a great distance, and dealt with everything life has thrown at them, can come together, admittedly awkwardly, and finally find a little happiness together, is absolutely wonderful. I would have given this film a "10" if I considered it flawless, but it isn't. However, the flaws merely make it quirky, and I still love it, and I will enjoy it again and again.
katchaya-1 I watch a lot of independent films.I can be very very forgiving. But this is possibly the poorest product i have seen in a long time.The script is soooooooo bad. The angst the teenagers feel is so badly manufactured. They are unhappy, we get hints about parental abuse and family problems. Oh and then there is that gay thing. They are going to be separated when one moves away. I could buy into that part. But cut to years later and our character who has moved, has more angst now than ever. He is a miserable film producer. Maybe he was making this film, and knew how bad it was going to be so he had something to model on.The acting is atrocious but with a script like this i don't see how better acting could have helped it. Then there is the straight friend that seems to me to be a better option than the one he left behind in the little town in AZ. There is NO CHEMISTRY between the two actors who are supposed to be in love with one another. They have nothing in common. I would rather watch grass grow than this piece of drek. There is just no possible way that this could be believable. Try something else , there is so much better out there.