Army of Frankensteins

2013 "Lincoln did not free the slaves alone."
3| 1h49m| en

A young man travels back in time, finding himself entrenched in the Civil War with an army of Frankensteins.


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Six Stitches Entertainment


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Also starring Lucas Ross

Also starring Thomas Cunningham


GazerRise Fantastic!
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Michael Ledo Inspired by true events, an army of inter-dimensional Frankensteins, Alan Jones (Jordan Farris), a little boy named Igor (Christian Bellgardt) and not Bruce Campbell are transported back in time to the Civil War where they fight for the Union army against a Frankenstein created by the south. Solomon Jones loses his arm and has a plasma cannon sewn to it, because a chainsaw has already been done.The film follows much of "The Army of Darkness" formula. It is campy and designed to be a cult film. Jordan Farris is not Bruce Campbell and this production falls a little short of the classical cult status, but will certainly give you the necessary cult fix until the next great one comes along. The film utilizes a catchy opening soundtrack. The present time era of the girlfriend in the supermarket wasn't written well.Guide: 1 loud F-bomb. No sex or nudity.
kosmasp This d-movie (or even lower in the alphabet if you actually think about the budget this had) is actually fun to watch. Because it knows what it is, and it makes fun of itself and that's a good thing. Take a politician for example, who looks at his portrait and says "This doesn't look like me" (I might be paraphrasing a bit here) - this is tipping your hat to the fact, that the actor actually doesn't quite look like the one he should be portraying and making light fun of that.The whole time travel thing is muddled to say the least and character decisions sometimes feel forced to move the plot or make something happen that could've been avoided. But remember, this is just a very very low budget movie. Don't be too hard on it or just don't watch it
Pumpkin_Man I was half expecting to hate this and fast forward, but the plot is so bizarre and insane, I couldn't help but love it. It's filled with silly comedy, time travel, American History, the civil war, and Frankenstein monsters...lots of them! The gore is decent for such a low budget movie. The story revolves around Alan Jones, who thinks his girlfriend is cheating on him. He is attacked and gets his eye taken by Dr. Tanner and his boy assistant, Igor. The monster is brought to life, but a freak accident happens, and they are all taken back to 1865, the year of the Civil War. They must not only survive the Confederate side, but must deal with the Frankenstein army clone of monsters. If you love so bad-it's good style movies, and time traveling monsters, you'll love ARMY OF FRANKENSTEINS!!!
Tom Fowler Army of Frankensteins is a nice B horror film, shot in Oklahoma and recently released on DVD. Running time is 108 minutes, MAYBE a bit long but not really, as most films today, I've noticed, approach the two hour mark in length.If you are a fan of Back to The Future, Night of the Living Dead, Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter, or maybe even another B offering from a few years ago, Bonnie and Clyde vs. Dracula, I am reasonably certain you will like this one. The story line is simple and far-fetched enough to be great fun: a young man and an even younger boy are thrown back into time 150 years, right into the thick of the American Civil War. To stretch credibility even further, an "army" of Frankenstein clones are produced to combat the "bad" monsters, all created by a greenish serum brought from the future. The goals of our heroes are to 1. Assist in helping the North win the Civil War 2. Make it safely home to the 21st century, and 3. Meet their ancestors. Do not assume any of this is necessarily in that order.You do not a need a detailed critique of this film for several reasons, the main one being, this is a low budget B film and should be judged as such. It is grossly unfair to compare such a film to higher budget, Hollywood productions and I hate to see that when it happens, which is, sadly, pretty often. Also, I do not wish for you to know too much more about plot and story. As they say in show business, "Leave 'em wanting more," and so I shall. Instead, I offer comments and my impressions of what is a fun film to watch.The young boy who played Igor, Christian Bellgardt, stole the show. I am certain his father, writer/director Ryan Bellgardt, did not plan for that, but what a nice surprise for both of them. Young Bellgardt has a future in acting, and I hope he stays interested enough to pursue it.Oklahoma horror legend John "Count Gregore" Ferguson has a fairly small but important role as the mad scientist, Dr. Tanner Finski. Many years ago, Mr. Ferguson's career path took a turn towards Oklahoma, and here we see what might have been . . . if. John Ferguson could easily have been John Carradine, and it was good to him in a substantial screen role, one he handled very well.The special effects were pretty good. I liked the occasional use of filtered lens for a rose tint look in spots, and Solomon's (portrayed by Rett Terrell) arm cannon was very enjoyable. The story was meaningful and poignant at times, campy and fun at other times. The beard on the villainous Confederate officer resembles a large piece of steel wool and the scene where the soldier caught a cannonball and threw it back the other way reminded me of an old Republic serial I viewed many years ago. Dialogue was embellished and over the top in a fun way in places, but the underlying theme of the entire story was the young boy Igor's loss of innocence for many reasons not of his own doing.The story creators toyed around with what I will call, for lack of a better term, a combination alternate/revisionist history of facts pertaining to that era. You will have to view the film to see what I mean. All in all, they stayed true to history, within context of a fiction story.I am hoping Mr. Bellgardt will add a director's commentary audio to future releases of the DVD.You may learn more about this film on Facebook. Look for the Army of Frankensteins page.