Wonderful character development!
Just bad
A bit overrated, but still an amazing film
Lidia Draper
Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
zif ofoz
more an adventure into perfection than a comedy! there is comedy here but it's not COMEDY it's comedy. the plot line is a bit transparent and obvious at times but don't let that stop you from taking in this fun story!the two main characters do a marvelous job in keeping the viewers attention with their acting and honest expressions - (both have great face for this gift). the story tended to get a bit long for me but that is because i could guess their next move. artistically this film is a joy and well worth the time to's a fine film it's just that at some point it gets bogged down into itself.
This movie had a pretty good feel about it when it was taking itself seriously. The comedic aspect just felt forced and took away from the story.There was a slight unnecessary mystical element to the film, that should have been left out of the film or built upon instead.The acting was OK for what it was, but there are definitely some spotty moments that took me out of the film. The main characters were decent but the really insignificant characters were quite bad. The strongest aspect of the film came from the main character's passion and obsession for making a good cheese and the way the filmmakers conveyed that. I felt Artois had potential but wasn't executed well. It's still an entertaining film, and has it's good moments, if you can sit through the bad ones. I did consider giving up on it, but I kept watching and paid off.
While big budget cinema has its pearls and is certainly entertaining, it's this kind of movie that is really fun to watch.The budget on this one was small, I never doubted that (they even recycled several sets and re-spotted them to Detroid). The acting of the main cast was really touching and very convincing, even the almost surreal (first) dialog with the future "land-lord".In general the movie is about love, about the love to your work, about the passion you put into it and it's about the love between people. While this main theme is spiced up with the whole goat cheese motif, it makes no mistake to point out that even if you are pursuing a vision, there are obstacles and you can fail altogether. But all ends well in the end.I did not know what to expect of this movie at all. I was worried it might turn into one of those gourmet movies that make no sense at all, or simply fire up a barrage of comments on how food should be. But no! It's about the handiwork, the craft and art of food making. And that was likely the point where the movie got me. The naive characters, or so it would seem, and their pursuit of happiness is really heartwarming and touching, even though at times it's closer to a fairy-tale than to real life. But I do not give a goat's bleat. Except for a few minor glitches and unneeded slapstick parts it's a pearl among many worthless movies.
Artois the Goat is like the best goat cheese slightly tangy, fresh, original and more than a little unexpected. Built on vignettes the film strings together the story of a frustrated lab technician, his girlfriend, and some way out friends, and the quest to make cheese.This offering is rather charming, eccentric, and better than most big budget comedies. It doesn't look small budget in the main due to its heart: it actually invests care in the comedy and though a little too off balanced in places it is genuinely interesting and entertaining.It strives a little too hard to be an indie in places, but succeeds à la Amelie in using cutting to accent the story.Overall we actually really enjoyed this cheesy tale of romance, goats, and washed rinds and found it original, fun, and sweet - not bad at all....