Assumption of Risk

2014 "Cutting edge technology spawns an enterprise of unimaginable, greed which manipulates life and death as the ultimate profit-making tools."
6.7| 1h37m| en

Cutting edge technology spawns an enterprise of unimaginable, greed which manipulates life and death as the ultimate profit-making tools.



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Liberty Bell Films


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Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
torpid-01355 Anybody who remembers Bones McCoy on the original Star Trek marveled at his ability to lay bare the inner workings of the human body and effect instant cures with the deft twirl of a dial or two. Amazing stuff, right? But bore no relation to real life. Well, kids, the future has arrived, and Assumption of Risk picks up where McCoy left off. Calculating life insurance moguls have figured out, with the help of a nifty biometric device, how to calculate the number of days left on your meter. And how they use this information will induce some electrifying changes in your own vital signs. Fasten seat belt before watching.
profitcore Next time when I see rating of 6.7 with small number of reviewer I'll get that it's the movie crew did it. Especially when the movie is so poor like that.. Poor unattached weak story... Very poor acting ... Very poor shots and locations... Enough to know that that the movie is about Billionaire with the number one insurance company in the US .. But what you see is very small poor dirty office .. The owner office itself is just a small 4 meter square dirty office. The device which the whole movie running around it was in the owner safe then after couple of minutes the main character searched in old storage place and WOW .. He found it there with old dirty paper files... HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT
bkanes Okay, maybe I'm biased. But this true-independent thriller is more entertaining than many big budget films I've watched lately. It's got period elements, subtle humor, social significance, nice action that never goes over-the- top. It's smart, and by not ever dumbing down, it keeps the audience glued to the screen. Excellent cast local to the production City (Philadelphia) featuring many recognizable actors from recent TV and block-buster hits. And clearly, writer/director/producer/actor, Mark Kochanowicz, knows his way around a film set. His hands are all over this movie, Nice work.All in all, this is exactly what independent film should be- interesting, fresh, dynamic.
Steven Bishop I've been thinking about how to classify this movie. It's got elements of a thriller, drama with a hint of sci-fi.Certainly entertaining and smart - better that a lot of indies I've watched lately.The lead actor is very believable as a 'damaged' character because of his sister's premature death.Without going into too much. the movie kept my attention and I felt like I wanted to go back and watch parts of it again to get some of the clues that were left along the way.The creators do a good job of not spoon feeding the viewer too much.Overall, I would recommend it to others.