
5.5| 2h52m| en

Young Amrita Goutham's parents bring home a poor and homeless boy from the streets of Hyderabad, and adopt him. Shortly thereafter her life is shattered when her parents are killed by this boy and she goes to live with her brother, and his wife. Years later, she has grown up, and has a niece, Aishwarya. While being chased by some goons, a male named Aditya, comes to her rescue, and she falls in love with him. Amidst nation-wide kidnappings taking place allegedly at the hands of one Kaiser, she soon finds out that Aditya is none other than the one who killed her parents and may have returned back into her family's life to kill all of them.


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SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Teddie Blake The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Bessie Smyth Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
iubirea-eternului Manesh was looking gorgeous in this movie, but unfortunately it was a bit lame. I found the plot a little hard to catch on to, but it had some interesting twists. It was fast paced but I thought it was more exaggerated than the usual Telugu films - Telugu movies are already exaggerated (especially the fights), but this one was a little overboard, the hero had both too much intelligence and too much strength. And one thing I hate seeing in movies is then endings in which either the hero or the heroine (or in this case, both) is (are) badly injured but the couple starts to walk somewhere like their love is really enough to totally heal them physically. Kaizer mentioned that Amrita is about to die and she really looked like it, but then all of sudden she was fine when the story ended. That was the last drop of exaggeration for me. As for the love story, it was a nice one. Amrita and Manesh looked sweet together. The songs were enjoyable.But I wish I would have picked another movie instead of this one. Watch it at your own risk. You might feel your time was wasted.
Jay Victor (jayvictorusa) This movie has been based on a few lines of script stretched into three freaking whole hours of useless boring crap. Had it not been for Mahesh I would not have bothered to watch it to the end.Btw, Mahesh Babu looks horrible with his new hairstyle or whatever. I guess they tried to bring out a raw look to him which failed.Most of the characters in the film lack true reason. Again, this shows poor script at hand.Comedy, involving Brahmanandam and Sunil cannot be called so, since they don't even remotely tickle your funny bone.Its obvious throughout that the people behind the movie tried a mix of Pokiri and Athadu. We even see the same Pokiri villain in a ridiculous avatar. Added to that is a large pool of actors from bollywood, which includes the heroine. I gave this movie 3 only because of the excellent cinematography, and the songs (video+audio)Watch it only if you are an ardent Mahesh Babu fan