Atom Nine Adventures

2010 "Witness the Evolution of a New Superhero."
6.6| 1h18m| NR| en

In a remote forest, Astrophysicist Dr. Adam Gaines and his homemade robotic assistant Jimbot recover a 3.5 billion year old meteorite containing an alien organism that may hold the secrets to the universe. What they don't realize is that a mysterious terrorist named Gremlo Flugg and his band of "Fluggmen" also seek the ancient contents of the meteorite so they can carry out their sinister plans to take over planet Earth.



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Interesteg What makes it different from others?
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Joanna Mccarty Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
Hayleigh Joseph This is ultimately a movie about the very bad things that can happen when we don't address our unease, when we just try to brush it off, whether that's to fit in or to preserve our self-image.
hamiltondl Simplistic and campy, with obvious shortcuts and compromises. But, considering its b movie and indie nature it stands out in a field full of far worse efforts. The products that make up its main competition are poor in comparison when you take into account there representatively bloated budgets.It stands up very well by comparison, especially when you consider its micro budget. The concept, though not strictly original, works. Jimbot is a well-done sidekick I'd watch a sequel. Hopefully Farley will drum up some support and add to the series. There is enough meat there to make a few more Netflix quality pieces. There, I made 10 lines.....stupid rule....
Mikel3 I like to support independent film makers and low budget films. Sometimes on rare occasions I come across one that's pretty darn good. Too often they're laughably bad. Still I suppose even those can be worth my time for a good laugh. This film was a rarity, it's VERY good, and a perfect example of what can be done with a small amount of money combined with a large amount of talent. Big film makers can learn a lesson from films like this one. What they spend on a making a film is almost obscene. According to the IMDb the estimated budget on this was $20,000. I'm guessing many films spend more than that much on food catering or perks for the pampered stars. The man responsible for this gem is Christopher Farley. His name seems to be everywhere in the credits. He wrote it, he directed it; he did the visual effects, produced it and even played the lead character Atom Nine for crying out loud! He probably even did other jobs I missed. Even some family members were extras based on the last names. I'm surprised he didn't write the music too. And amazingly he did a fine job in every single category. To sum it up, this is a superhero origin story. The hero must deal with the usual egotistical super villain out to rule the world. Adam Nine is sort of a combination of The Blue Beetle (current version), The Rocketeer, and the Man of Steel himself. Don't get me wrong Atom Nine is an original character. How he gains his powers is a fun ride in itself; I'm just giving a hint at what he's like with those other hero names. There's even a small flying robotic sidekick that's the best I've seen since R2D2, maybe better. This robot talks and is both humorous and endearing. I really can't get over how well the effects were done for the cost. I can only imagine what he would have created with a larger budget, makes me want to invest in his next work.I recommend this film to every comic book and superhero fan out there with an open mind. An open mind about what they were able to do here with the budget they had. If I had to make a few complaints it would be, his costume needs some work and the way he saves the day at the end was a bit much….but hey if Superman can rotate the entire world backwards to turn back time, who am I to complain about how this story saves our planet from the moon. Besides, I'm a sucker for a happy ending where the seemingly nerdy guy gets the girl and all that. At the end it hinted that there might be a sequel someday. I really hope that happens. I could write much more praise about this fun action adventure family film, but I like to keep these comments as short as possible. I figure if they're short enough maybe more people might take the time to read them. This is almost twice my usual words. I'm now a fan of Mr. Farley and plan to see all his films if I can. 'Atom Nine' was made in 2007; I'm surprised he isn't better known by now. The man is multi-talented for sure. I see he has another unrelated film work in production. I very much look forward to seeing it. I give this movie 8 out of 10 because I'm so impressed on what he was able to do with such a small budget. For that and everything else it deserves an excellent rating. Note: I only gave a 10 out of 10 to one or two very famous films so 8 is saying a lot from me. And no I'm not related to anyone connected with the film!