Attack of the Giant Leeches

2008 "You bleed... they feed..."
2| 1h18m| en

In a small town, the silence is shattered by a rash of disappearances at the swamp near the old deserted factories. Bodies are being discovered with no blood left in their bodies. It's up to a park ranger and the town sheriff to discover what ungodly creature is responsible for these deaths. It's only a matter of time before they discover that what they seek are leeches that have grown to unbelievable size. We bleed- they feed! Remake of the B-cult classic.



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Brain Damage Films


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RyothChatty ridiculous rating
Inclubabu Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.
ScoobyWell Great visuals, story delivers no surprises
Stephan Hammond It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
jacobjohntaylor1 I really like the original version this from 1959. But this remake has awful acting. It also an awful script. It is not scary. The 1959 version is very scary. This is not scary at all. Do not see this movie. It is an awful movie.
tiagoabreu2007 This is a sad excuse for a remake of the horror classic Attack of the Giant Leeches. That movie is in the public domain so this person did not get permission or anything they just took the plot and name and made their own pathetic version to literally "Leech" off of that movie. The poster looks OK but the sound and picture quality of the movie is pathetic or worse.SHAME on you Brett Kelly and co for ripping off this cult horror classic and turning it into this useless and amateurish mess. You all suck and should quit, Never make another film.
Bernard Lee Crawford Let us endeavor to conjecture and propose a supposition pertaining to a conundrum I am experiencing after viewing this atrocity. Variable one pertains to a Roger Corman. This is a man with an incredible propensity for the creation of films on a minimal budget and almost ALWAYS a profit on his investment. He truly is the king of exploitation films. This being a remake (probably due to the film being out of copyright date) is of a 1959 movie he made.So how does one create a movie to begin with on a minimal budget that still exceeds the product created decades later? Could it be an overwhelming plethora of non-talent?I have a great affinity for actors that do horrible hillbilly stereotypes with Canadian accents. The "Leeches" are hand puppets that can be misconstrued for earthworms on steroids. I did find the "rifle" that was supposed to be a shotgun but was a toy musket seen multiple times. They try to exploit young ladies which has absolutely no impact in sexually gratuity within the film. We get a few scenes of a marsh but the action takes place around a lake, no marsh or swamp. Our hillbillies are supposed to be comical relief while we wait for a meteorite to plummet to earth and obliterate them. The sheriff inhabits room 12 with crap being stored in some building somewhere. Let us examine one scene in particular. A search party has been gathered to attempt to locate two bodies. Several men follow the sheriff down the shore of a lake, not a marsh. All follow after the sheriff. Would it not behoove them to "Spread out" instead of following him and looking at their feet literally as they walk? One idiot is looking up in the trees where many a body has been known to be discovered. If only the Lockness monster would have interjected itself into the movie and consumed the entire cast, that would have been worth watching.The Corman version of this movie receives a 3.5 on the IMDb which sounds about right. If you view the MST3K riffing of the Corman movie then it is a 7.0 as this film rates a 1.9 and should be considerably lower.After viewing this movie I made preparation to invoke the great Cuthulu and the old ones to enter this dimension to rule but they declined because it is too dark and forbidding a place even for them and with absolutely nothing original that can be done in writing, films or art we are all in a pathetic Hell anyway.
Michael_Elliott Attack of the Giant Leeches (2008) * 1/2 (out of 4) Remake of the 1959 drive-in cult classic has pretty much the same plot as giant leeches in the swamp are sucking the blood out of locals so a wildlife expert and his girlfriend try to figure out what's going on whenever they're not arguing. I guess I should start off by admitting that the original film is one of my favorite "B" movies. Yes, it's incredibly cheesy but I love bad or campy movies and I consider it one of the best out there. With that said, I was really looking forward to this remake just to see what they would try to come up with but this here is pretty much a scene for scene remake. Perhaps that's a bit too strong since this does run about sixteen-minutes longer than the previous film but while watching this you can't help but feel that the director made the entire cast watch the original and try to mimic it. If you're familiar with the earlier movie then you're going to notice that there are countless scenes here that have the same setting, the same build-up and even the same dialogue. I'm not sure if director Brett Kelly was doing this as some sort of homage or if they were just being lazy and not coming up with anything new. Either way, fans of the 1959 version will probably find it mildly amusing at first but others are going to probably want to blow their brains out. Yes, the production values here are incredibly cheap, the actors seem uncomfortable and there's really no point to this remake. I'm not sure what they were trying to do but it really doesn't work because this film never manages to get its own personality because every step of the way it's reminding you of the previous movie. Even if you're unfamiliar with that movie then you're probably going to hate this even worse as you're simply not going to understand anything going on.