August Underground

2001 "The sickest film ever made."
3.5| 1h10m| NR| en

Imagine walking down the street and finding an unmarked VHS tape. Curiosity piqued, you take it home and pop it in. What starts off as two men screwing around with a video camera quickly transforms into an ultra-realistic torture sequence where the unidentified psychopaths tape their exploits as they torment and violate a woman tied to a chair.


Fred Vogel


Producted By

Toetag Pictures


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Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Wyatt There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
guitardawson I enjoy the genre that this movie is going for, but it never even gets close. It feels like a couple of teenagers trying to be hardcore but they just don't get it. It's not scary, disturbing, or entertaining in any way. Most of the characters are annoying and there isn't really a plot. Yuck...and not in a good way.
Sandcooler "August Underground" is an unbearably vile experience, but that's mainly because it's so realistic. This looks like a genuine snuff film. With absolutely no build-up we see a girl being tortured by a deranged serial killer, while his friend conveniently films everything. The acting of both the killers and the victim is incredible, and so are the make-up effects. I'm assuming all the dialogues are improvised, if only because the two main actors are also credited as the writers. The main criticism to this movie is that it has no plot, but that's kind of the point. Would an actual serial killer's video diary have a plot, or would it just be random, unrelated vignettes like these? With that said, I did wish director Fred Vogel would have come up with a slightly more intriguing ending. That's something "The Blair Witch Project" (the inevitable comparison) did well, cutting away at an interesting point. This movie just ends on a total dud. "August Underground" is an interesting gimmick, but it's not exactly something I'd rewatch.
akuma634 August Underground in a lot of ways feels like an experiment. The idea is to create a "found footage" serial killer movie that really delivers the serial killer experience. In other words it isn't a slasher movie, it isn't like a lot of phony serial killer movies, and it isn't much like a traditional movie. It's all filmed on a handcam and it has the look of a home movie where you see footage that's been filmed over other stuff and lots of cuts with the camera recording much later on. For all of the chaos, it really does tell a very subtle story and there is a lot more thought to it than just a bunch of random murders. I'll admit that when I first saw the movie, I hated it. Something made me want to see it again and again anyway, eventually I started to understand it and the best way to watch it is with director's commentary because it really explains everything in great detail. The movie is shot to look like real footage of a serial killer and his friend with the camera so obviously they can't break character or talk straight into the camera over what they're going to do. It's not easy to follow the first time but it does have a plot.It all starts off where the guy with the camera walks into the basement. The camera has a really awful picture which was intentional, the very raw look of the footage really adds to the realism and gritty nature of it. In the basement there is porn pasted all over the walls, filth everywhere, and a woman tied up, bleeding, and mutilated. She is alive and the killer (played by the director, Fred Vogel) and the cameraman are humiliating her in various ways. Those first 5 or so minutes really hit hard and are just a taste of things to come. Everything that is filmed has a point and there is continuity to that. A prime example is there's a scene where the killer murders an old woman in her home, it wasn't just for the sake of it but she was easy prey and they needed her car so they could blend in better in that town with local plates. Director's commentary really makes much more sense of the movie. That's pretty much how watching the movie is, you're just seeing a mix of home movies and murder on this video. These guys aren't Freddy or Jason, they don't kill 24/7 and they sure aren't the antisocial quiet types. The two guys are great friends, they like to party, go to concerts, drink, hang out with friends, and do lots of very normal things. Serial killers in real life are like that, Ted Bundy was quite the charmer and Albert Fish could persuade people to leave their kids with him.As for the violence, it's not the goriest movie ever made by a long shot. The sequels were far more gruesome while the original feels a bit more reserved and some of the scenes they wanted were too difficult to film which actually kind of worked in their favor. The camera only comes on when these guys are in control so you never see anyone abducted, the killers chasing people, stalking, or taking any risk where having the camera on would be a hindrance unless they have a plan. When they do kidnap someone, they start recording when the person is tied up, bloody, and broken. There isn't a lot of on screen torture or mutilation but the special effects on the bodies of their victims are incredibly realistic looking and it's very sickening to see. It's hard to compare it to anything more well known because nothing else really has this style of violence. For example Hostel had almost all off screen violence but the effects you did see look incredibly fake. August Underground did plenty of make up effects before shooting the scene but the effects look like they could be real cuts, bruises, and dismemberments.Overall it's not something for everyone. Realistically, a good 85% of the people who watch this movie will hate it outright. If you're expecting nothing but the craziest gore ever then you'd probably be better off watching something like Faces Of Death. August Underground is more of an art film without trying to be an art film. It's not really a total horror film nor does it feel like any movie you've seen, that's something that is a very acquired taste. It's really made for a very specific group of hardcore horror fans. Another thing is how much August Underground has been taken by mainstream film. If wasn't for AU then there wouldn't be this Hollywood fad of "torture porn" like Saw, Hostel, The Collector, and other torture heavy horror movies which despite their very high production values lack the realism of AU and the ability to go as far. Even major movies like The Dark Knight borrowed from AU, the scene where The Joker uses that handcam to murder the cop was heavily inspired it. It's a very love or hate movie with little to no middle ground. Another thing is that it wasn't made for shock value but it was made to give people something to think about. Even if you thought it was the worst movie you've ever seen, it will stick with you and make you think.
Scott Jacobs August Underground. One Word: Poo. Seriously, i was expecting myself to be turning away in disgust and feeling sick. But what i saw...well bored me senseless. I read so much about this film and it didn't deliver. I'm so disappointed. This film is not worth watching, it's so much pointless violence and filth, with no plot, just two very mean people doing very mean things. Cannibal holocaust was worse than this and that was made in the 80's. Seems that Old Skool won this time! OK now i go on to spoilers to complete my rant, so to those who want to view this piece of crap don't look.Its a great film, don't watch it.***********SPOILERS************** OK so our two main characters are turds. They think they're hilarious but they're not. At the start the fat guys says to his partner 'Your gonna love this' and then it was a tied up bloody woman, and they started laughing. He sounded like an elf. Really annoying after a while. Then the fat guy shows the body of the boyfriend to his mate. Which his mate asks, 'Wheres his penis!' and starts laughing. Not funny really? Just a bit annoying. Then like, they pick up some woman who they approach her saying 'Hey sweetie'. It's the middle of the night, and she still got in the car with two guys. Fool. Then they get her to flash and its like wow, you saw a pair of boobs, don't get all giddy. Then the bit in the supermarket it just gay. 'SNIFF HER ARSE!' So you kill people, rape them and stuff, and you evil plan is to sniff they're bums. Smells beautiful i bet. Then ending, if i had taken it seriously, was pretty like disturbing but its over so quickly i didn't take it in and the killer like, stops raping her pulls up his pants, and carries on smacking her over the head? He was like 'OH CRAP' its like you don't feel remorse? What? This film is stupid.