What makes it different from others?
n my opinion it was a great movie with some interesting elements, even though having some plot holes and the ending probably was just too messy and crammed together, but still fun to watch and not your casual movie that is similar to all other ones.
Bea Swanson
This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
Bad acting, bad script, bad special effects. Bad everything.
John Johns
The cleavage and hard bodies are spectacular and promising but the promise of a bikini contest never materializes and there are no women being natural and flaunting their bodies and no sex. It is almost like a Taliban/Republican ski resort. Otherwise, the story is a joke, the 'so-called' sharks look like rubber duckies and just when someone yells 'movement alerts them, they all... move! Opposite of Simon Says!!! I did enjoy that the sheriff leaves all his guns and machine guns (!!!) hanging out available on the wall and that the 'Japanese' woman cannot even pronounce the simplest of Japanese words anywhere near a Japanese person... Guys, just give us the T&A and we will watch and enjoy... what is all this other stuff? Hoorah for thin, flaunting women who spread it.
Avalanche Sharks (2014) * 1/2 (out of 4)A ski resort is hosting a bikini contest but they've got much bigger issues when sharks begin to come out of the snow and kill people.I must admit that I love shark movies but the sad fact is that there really haven't been too many of them. Of course JAWS is a masterpiece and there are some other good ones like THE SHALLOWS but sadly small companies have realized that you can use bad CGI to create ugly looking sharks and throw them into any story line. This could be tornado sharks, sand sharks, sharks with three heads and in this case avalanche sharks.Sadly this here is one of the least entertaining ones because the film spends way too much time with boring and annoying characters instead of focusing on the shark. The human characters are all extremely boring and they are all basically stereotypes that add no entertainment value. Even worse is the fact that at only 82-minutes the film drags from start to finish. I did enjoy the shark attacks and I thought the film would have benefited had there been a lot more.
This is what happens when a movies like Sharknado 1-3 make money and become successful. Sharknado has spawned more copycats, hopefuls and plain old rip-offs, than any other movie franchise out there. Aside from that, this movie was what you would expect from the title and the rating. Typical B-rated SFX. Typical B-rated script, story and acting. The casting is right out of a B-Horror For Dummies self help book. My opinion of this movie is what I would say about most of these movies, it entertained me enough to watch it until the end. I laughed, I cried, I took a dump. You know, that old chestnut. If you enjoy the genre you don't really need me to tell you anything. This is a B-Horror guide followed step by step. Enjoy.