Back To Eden

7.6| 1h43m| en

The story of one man's lifelong journey, walking with God and learning how to get back to the simple, productive methods of sustainable provision that were given to man in the garden of Eden.



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Interesteg What makes it different from others?
Lancoor A very feeble attempt at affirmatie action
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
frightinfalcon Since viewing this film several weeks ago, I went on a quest to find all the mulch I could get my hands on. I've loaded a trailer full about 6 times so far and plan on getting a lot more. Since laying the mulch in my existing garden (30x30')I have watered my garden once. I had neglected my garden up to that point, simply because I couldn't keep up with the weeds and losses due to rodents digging up my plants and burying others. Since putting down the mulch, my burrowing rodent problem has ceased. I still have to deal with rabbits nibbling at the plants, but the voles and gophers really hate the mulch and stay away. The plants that lived through the neglect are thriving in the mulch and I have been able to harvest some crop even though I thought it was all lost a month ago. I wish I had learned of this 12 years ago. I finally feel like my garden is a success, and it's actually easier than it's ever been. I am so excited to have a garden that will be planted 'the correct way' from the start next year.I have shared the film with many others, some of them have shared it with their gardening groups. I think everyone should watch it and see if it's 'for them.' As far as the spiritual aspect, the way it was presented really helped me to put it in perspective. And I'm not very religious.
tareed2 Paul give you all the details to start and maintain a garden with very little physical work. Amazing video, I've watched it several times already to make sure I didn't miss anything. Recommend to anyone who wants to garden, small or large scale. Paul explains how he grew up raising vegetables then moved to a place that had very little water. Asking for guidance he found that the surrounding trees didn't get watered yet were green and thriving. Literally digging in to the soil in the forest he found a way to make his garden mimic what happens in the forest naturally. His gardens and orchards thrive and his produce is always sweet and nutritious. Paul is a true inspiration and I am patterning my garden after his methods.
Jenny Chandler I absolutely love this documentary. God always makes sense and I'm very thankful that Paul shared what the Lord revealed to him. My husband and I can't wait to get our "Back to Eden" garden going. I'm looking forward to having real, sustainable food for our family, and plenty of excess to share with neighbors, family, and friends. What better way to spend your day that gently tending a garden and letting your children wander through rows of fresh food, nibbling as they see fit, and running off to play again? Definitely a must-see for anyone remotely interested in gardening on any level. It's so easy to adapt these basic principles to any kind of situation.
Aquabarrel Rain Barrel What a great concept. While those of us that watched the film were a bit put off by all the bible references the basic information appears to be sound and easy to replicate. Bottom line is to place a layer of newspaper for weed control, a few inches of good quality soil or compost go on next and the top layer is several inches of wood chips - in one case they added a top dressing of manure. One area that was not addressed well was scaling this down to the average row-home/townhouse or urban setting. With so many folks looking to add a backyard 'Victory' garden or garden without the use of chemicals this is going to be a 'why didn't I think of that' moment after watching this film.