
1988 "Monstrously Lonely. Dangerously Real."
4.3| 1h25m| en

Karen and Jamie bike out to a remote wooded area for camping. Jamie saves a young girl’s life with an emergency tracheotomy and her grateful father, Eben, invites the campers to his place for some dinner...where they also meet William, Eben’s beastly geek son.


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Also starring Christine Noonan


Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
SteinMo What a freaking movie. So many twists and turns. Absolutely intense from start to finish.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
lost-in-limbo Could've been better, but this off-the-beaten trek through the Kentucky wilderness wasn't all that bad. The odd thing about this ultra-cheap, b-grade fare was how it actually went about setting up the whole situation, as the horrific nature and possibilities waiting to break out don't really come to play until the hour mark when it turns in to a fairly routine backwoods survival story. But before that it's slow winding with its focus on a city couple (a doctor and his girlfriend) when they save a young girl from chocking, as her father (a perfect performance by Jack Kreusser) watched on. In gratitude the father invites them back for supper and to spend the night on his property, but unknowingly to them he keeps in his back-shed his geek son (an illustratively deranged Jack O'Hara) that likes to bite heads off chickens. Don't us all. Strangely this where an interesting rapport is created as the drama at hand follows the welcoming hospitality and communication between the father (who likes coon hunting and moonshine) and the young doctor. Their first encounter with the wacko son builds up a bit of tension and would show the fascination that draws him to the young lady (the very capable Christine Noonan). This progression of differing values comes to a loggerhead and the material does a good job in developing the characters. It might not be multi-facet and in depth, but does more than just scrape the surface. I hate to say it, though I was more captivated by the how the opening gradually folded out that when it came to breaking out the chaos, it felt a little lacking. However the tactical set-up of the climax is a nasty surprise, and the shock ending is a bit of a doozer.Dean Crow directs with a resourceful touch for such a budget and enthusiasm, where he skips the blood and gore (which can be disappointing) in the favour for building up suspense. Yep that's true… suspense. He slowly milks it out. Sure it doesn't always come off, but I couldn't help but give credit for trying something a little different with the material. The backdrop is beautifully projected, even though it doesn't have any sort of impact, but when it came to the night sequences with the nightlife sounds it pitched up some atmospheric patches.
Tikkin "Backwoods", or "Geek" (as I know it) is one of those films in the same sub-genre as Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Deliverance, Midnight, Just Before get my drift. It reminded me very much of "Just Before Dawn", as some of the scenes are very similar.I won't go into a detailed description of the plot as I'm sure you will get an idea of it from the other reviews here.The film gets off to a slow start, although the atmosphere is rather creepy. There is very little gore at all, which is a shame because it would have enhanced things greatly. When things do get going (in the last quarter of the film) is when it is most rewarding - the scenes are tense, disturbing and very well done. The film also makes you think a bit and by the end, the message I got was that ultimately humans stand alone and must protect themselves at all costs.If you love films such as Just Before Dawn, Midnight, Deliverance, and so on, I would recommend giving this a watch. The pay-off is in the ending but sadly you have to suffer a bit of boredom to get to it.
ethylester Yes, this movie was just ok. I'm tired of seeing "mountain people" of Kentucky get made the crazy people of every stupid woodsy horror movie. It's so overdone. There's always some father who has an attitude about "his way" and he makes moonshine and hunts 'coons and carries a shotgun everywhere he goes and wears dirty overalls and an old hat (but shaves clean everyday!??) And then there's always some passive little white-dressed blond girl who never says anything and is really scared of everyone but is very nice and friendly anyway. and then there's ALWAYS some deranged crazy son that the father doesn't like anymore who likes to kill for the pleasure. I feel like i've seen this movie a million times. It's exactly like this other movie that I can't remember the title of, but in the other one, there were two brothers. But it was exactly the same. I was just waiting for them to finish the stereotype with some incest jokes (it was good that they didn't).So this movie is JUST OK. the only part I thought was funny was when the father makes the male camper sit inside with him and drink moonshine. they have a funny conversation that actually seemed a LITTLE realistic. But other than that, this movie was lame.
twisted_sista If you like b-movies from the 80s then you might enjoy this. Two campers are terrorized by a geek, an insane man that bites the heads off chickens. This movie (Backwoods) is also known as 'Geek' in the U.K. Its a straight to video film with a cast of unknowns, but they play their roles well. I liked the overall creepy atmosphere of the film and the last 30 minutes were very entertaining. One thing that bugged me about this movie was not knowing what really happened to Beth,the little girl. Karen is shown sporting a shotgun and shoots toward William when he is dragging her beaten boyfriend away with Beth in toe and Karen blindly fires at the trio but we never see beth again but i assume Karen shot her by mistake. Other then this tiny plot hole i liked this movie. 6/10

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