Bart Got a Room

5.7| 1h20m| R| en

Danny Stein, a high school senior at the bottom of the social food chain, needs a prom date. As a cause of anxiety for Danny, Bart Beeber, the nerdiest guy in school, has already found a date. At the same time, Danny's divorced parents are both looking for relationships again.


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Diagonaldi Very well executed
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Micah Lloyd Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.
Bessie Smyth Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Roland E. Zwick Written and directed by Brian Hecker, "Bart Got a Room" is a semi-autobiographical coming-of-age tale set in south Florida where high school geek Danny Stein won't be in the demographic majority for another fifty years yet. A good Jewish boy, Danny is all excited about attending his senior prom - or at least he would be if he could get the hot sophomore he drives to school every day to agree to go as his date. Unfortunately, she thinks of him merely as an older-brother type, so Danny is forced to look elsewhere for options, including the Plain Jane Camille (Alia Shawkat), who's been his best friend since childhood and obviously wishes Danny felt about her the way she feels about him. Danny also has to contend with the fact that his soon-to-be-divorced parents (wonderfully played by William H. Macy and Cheryl Hines) are already in the market for future spouses and that they keep the understandably mortified youngster continually posted on their dating progress.Though in terms of plotting there's little that separates "Bart Got a Room" from countless other films in the same genre, the movie finds a wealth of truth and humor in its deadpan depictions of ordinary life. Bart and all the figures who inhabit his world go through their days just trying to make the best of bad situations, searching for that one little nugget of happiness that will make the crushing banality of the rest of their lives at least tolerable, if not worthwhile. For Danny, it's getting a date for the prom and meeting an attractive girl who will reciprocate his romantic interest; for his parents, it's trying to get that one last stab at coupled attachment in a world where youth is prized above all else and where they're faced with a daily reminder of what awaits them in their fast-approaching "golden years;" for Camille, it's trying to get the boy she's attracted to to see her as a burgeoning woman with sexual appetites and not just a platonic buddy to study and hang out with."Bart Got a Room" nicely captures the exaggerated nature of teenage trauma, when showing up dateless to the prom is a personal tragedy comparable only to the crash of the Hindenburg or the sinking of the Titanic. And Steve Kaplan perfectly conveys every bit of the angst Danny experiences as he maneuvers his way through those shark-infested waters known as adolescence.
hellomrkitty This is one of those small comedy gems that has a very cool and unique style to it...and is just an overall funny movie -- about this family of losers who are all looking for dates. I laughed throughout the movie...and I was also surprised to be moved by the relationships as well. It's played pretty real for a teen comedy and I was very surprised by that. The movie shows a pathetic side of Miami Beach and it's a unique environment (with old people everywhere) for a movie about a teenager looking for a prom date. It's an interesting twist on the genre -- and I think it works in a very clever and unique way. The music is also very unique for this type of movie. The movie starts out with the protagonist playing the trumpet in his high school jazz band at the beach to a bunch of old people and it sets this fun, quirky tone for the rest of the movie. I also really liked the overall look of the film -- there were a lot of bright colors and the locations looked like places I haven't seen before. It didn't feel generic. The cast in particular is top notch. William H. Macy is freaking' hilarious as the teen's dad and the supporting cast is also very funny. Macy can do no wrong in my mind. Jennifer Tilly was funny and I was surprised to see her. I think the main kid is a great actor and I think he's going places. When we finally meet Bart, it's definitely worth the wait. I saw this movie in NY and the audience really responded to it. I told everyone I know to see it but it came and went in limited release. I am surprised there wasn't more hype around this film. I would definitely recommend this movie.
sethrich If Bart got a hotel room, then Danny should have one too. Danny is your typical unpopular high school senior and he's searching for a prom date. The bar has been set by not-seen-'til-the-end Bart, the class nerd, with the booking of hotel rooms, limousines, etc. Cute and studious Camille (played by Alia Shawkat from Arrested Development, a comedy I adore) has been friends with Danny for a long time and the easy thing for them to do would be to attend prom together, but that doesn't happen of course. I became frustrated with Danny's attempts to get other girls to be his date, but I also related to him – as easy as Camille would be to fall back on, at his age I'd likely want something new (perhaps even sexier) too. This is what teenagers do.William Macy, who plays Danny's father, is one of the few bright spots. Most of the characters are pretty bland, but Macy manages to shine despite the surroundings. I really don't like the haircut he has there, but that's part of the cheap role I guess. His best moments are when he drops everything to help find a date for his son as the prom draws near. He even leaves a sexually-heated date of his own behind! Bart Got A Room is your typical high school movie, but not exactly A-list. It has its moments (my personal favorite takes place in the ice cream shop) but this type of movie has been done before, and better too.
Squeats This is far and away one of the most enjoyable festival films I have ever seen! Maybe it was the self-deprecating humour to which we can all relate; perhaps it was William H. Macy's abundantly curly hair. I really can't be sure, but I can tell you that you will not regret taking the time to see this film! The screenplay is top notch, every second of every scene is perfectly executed and the laughs are never forced. Brian Hecker captures the heart and soul of those painful high school years and spreads them across the screen like a mother spreads those embarrassing naked baby photos in front of the new girlfriend. The acting is superb as well, Steven Kaplan is the epitome of the high school dweeb; each agonizing second of the prom date pressure is reflected in his expressive eyes. William H. Macy gives a phenomenal performance as the father who's trying to get his mojo back. A beautiful balance of deadpan delivery and delight in his son's social life - or his idealistic interpretation thereof - his performance gives a solid base on which to build this rollicking romp down memory lane. And yet, the highlight by far of this little gem of a film is it's kitschy soundtrack. It quite literally reaches out, grabs the viewer by the ears, and demands that the feet begin to tap and the head to bob. The classics of big band, swing, and even a little jazz inspire one to reminisce of the days of that spinster aunt pinching the cheek, or that grandmother tweaking the nose. It sets the tone, at least for people of a certain age, of the post-pubescent angst that we all suffered during the high school years and pastes a happy smile to it that doesn't quite hide the insecurity.Bart Got a Room is a film that should not be missed. Because if Bart can do it, you can too. Even if it costs you $600+, a little self-respect, and most of your dignity. These moments only happen once, so throw caution to the wind, grab life by the short hairs and enjoy the ride!