Beauty and the Beast

5.5| 1h38m| en

Decameron-style collection of entertaining short stories with such diverse themes as nymphomania, bestiality, and masochism.


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Also starring Anna Maria Bottini


Palaest recommended
Micitype Pretty Good
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
christopher-underwood Four part Decameron rip off with beautiful music and some beastly direction. None of the segments are entirely satisfactory with most changing course halfway through and some almost coming to a halt but the music helps carry us through. First part concerns a slave girl and some role reversal reminiscent of Venus in Furs but far too crass and made up for only by fine nudity.Second part concerns animals and sex and starts predictably with a couple cavorting in a barn with the sound of horses in the background but does develop into a very strange piece with the naked heroine sharing a stark cell with some dogs and a horse. A promising section entitled, The Whipping is more about a fat old male teacher rapping boy's bloody knuckles which seems to create a desire for such activity combines with spying on his mother. The final part is the best and concerns a girl on her final day and night before her wedding. Rather good scene with her being fitted for her dress by an over keen seamstress that moves into a scene with the young woman seeking guidance from a young man she used to play doctors with as a child. Always good to look at and listen to with that lovely music, just a shame more attention could not have been given to having the short tales be more consistent and flow more smoothly.