Bebe's Kids

1992 "It's animation... with an attitude."
5.8| 1h13m| PG-13| en

When Robin meets the lovely Jamika he thinks he's in heaven. But when he meets her friend Bebe's children, whom she is looking after, he knows he's in hell.


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Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Sharkflei Your blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Ogosmith Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
adrianeverett74 Robin meets Jamika and her son and her friend's rowdy hell bent for leather children, Bebe's Kids ! A visit to a fun park turns into pandemonium and then a last minute trip to Vegas turns out the lights on the strip. Everywhere Bebe's Kids go they use their war cry like a flag "We don't die, We Multiply !" This movie is based on a short comedy skit by late great comedian Robin Harris. Originally there were four Bebe's kids but for the movie there are three. It was funny for it's time and is one of Paramount's most under marketed animated movies of all time. Even today on DVD it is discontinued as Paramount Execs really don't know how to cater to African American Movie Watchers.If you want to find a near mint condition copy on either VHS or DVD for cheap try Ebay or your local Video Outlet's Previously Viewed Shelf.
bmitchell3000 My brother was working at a movie theater when I saw this movie; I saw it for free and still walked out. I have seen a lot of movies in my time but this was the worst. When people ask me what the worst movie I have ever seen was I mention this movie in less than one second. This movie is bad because it goes from one lame plot set-up to the next, it encourages stereotypes about blacks that are sickening and the flow is awful. If you want to see how to make children cry and vomit at the same time then study this movie. Okay, this movie is not good "bad" but terrible bad. If you are like one of those people that watch horrible movies for fun, like me, you will not even be able to make it through this very short film. Please for the love of God destroy all copies of this movie.
tfrizzell African-American comedian Robin Harris had a comedy routine about crazed youngsters only known as "Bebe's Kids". In spite of his death his idea developed into this ho-hum animated feature. Harris (in cartoon form and voiced by another actor) meets a beautiful woman at a mutual friend's funeral. Immediately they start to click, but trouble looms when the woman is supposed to watch a friend's children (the titled characters). Thus the group goes to a theme park and all hell breaks loose as the youngsters seem to be little more than hoods that unwittingly try to control everything everywhere they go. Starts out pretty well, but wears out its welcome as it progresses. The novelty disappears pretty quick and we are left with a silly and tiring cartoon. 2.5 out of 5 stars.
PlopPlopPlopPlop Move over Citizen Kane, Bebe's kids is the absolute greatest film ever made! Great animated cinematography, brilliant animated acting, and a cute touching animated story bring this film to prominance. It is a neglected comic gem about a black family, that will leave you feeling good inside. I would highly recommend that you rent or buy it today! Or even better write the studio and demand they re-release the film back into theaters! ***** out of ****