Wonderful character development!
hyped garbage
The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Derry Herrera
Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
BEEPER is the product of those films that deal with kidnapping of a child with the only connection with the perpetrators being by cell phone or other mechanical devices supposedly to enhance the tension of identifying the bad guy. By now the story is so used and tired that it takes a spectacular gimmick to make it fly. BEEPER remains grounded.Dr. Richard Avery (Ed Quinn, known to only those who watch TV) flies to India with his young son (he is a widower) to give a lecture at a worldwide medical conference. In the audience the son Sam (Stefan Djordjevic) disappears and the good doctor notices too late, beginning a long series of chases to find Sam. Avery encounters Sr. Inspector Vijay Kumar (Gulshan Grover), whose specialty is drug dealing problems, and Inspector Julia Hyde (Joey Lauren Adams), whose specialty is kidnapping. But Avery is informed that he is to follow instructions given through a beeper and to avoid the police. Avery finds his only source of information is through Zolo (Harvey Keitel), a drug lord in Delhi who has special interests in fulfilling the ransom: cash for opium. After an endless car chase through the streets and markets of Delhi the truth about who is the real kidnapper is revealed...and the movie glides to a bumpy end.Seeing India as a backdrop for an intrigue film is promising but visually this viewer gets the feeling that much of the footage is actually from a can rather than being on set. The acting ranges from fair to really awful and the script by Michael Cordell and Gregory Gieras is dreary. Made in 2002 and just released on DVD it is not a secret why the movie didn't make it in the theaters. Even the usually reliable Keitel can't save this one. Grady Harp
Beeper is simply put, a mediocre movie. It places our SWM hero in a strange and exotic society and from there it tries to develop a thriller, but failing on multiple levels. No exciting pictures of Indian society, no logic in many of the actions, police work is horrible, sets are awful - you get to see some footage of a Boeing 747 the main characters are supposed to fly, but inside it looks like in the 50's.And what the heck is Keitel doing in this movie? Did he owe Jack Sholder a favor? Was desperate for some money? Got a free trip to India? Anyway, even he can't save this one. Oh yes, and look for the car The Hidden, Sholder got to play with Ferraris, here he works his car chase-skills on some antiqued cabs. Cheap, but entertaining. Still, go find The Hidden, it's much much better.
This movie starts downhill the moment we fly with our protagonist to India, which is a montage of canned footage and poor set designs. The enciting scene where Ed Quinn's son is kidnapped is shot in a gaudy rendition of an Indian convention center, with stereotypical Hindi designs and gold plating covering every wall and pillar. Quinn runs outside to see if he can find his son, and we cut to yet another canned shot of Delhi street life.
The film says it was shot in India. I cannot believe that anyone with a budget to shoot overseas would create such atrocious sets rather than shoot on-location. I cannot believe that any native Indian would take part in such a grotesque representation of the nation and its people. The script is predictable, and while Joey Laruen Adams and Harvey Keitel aren't bad actors, this story does their respective careers no favors.
I hate to be rude, because it is an accomplishment that this film went through production and distribution, but the best moment in the film is the fade to black. This film shows no respect to the nation of India or its people, nor to the tenents of a good script or good acting.
I think that last review was pretty harsh, although he/she did say it was just their opinion. While Beeper isn't a great movie, it did the two things that I beg of a movie: (1) I didn't know what was going to happen next, and (2) I WANTED to know what was going to happen next. I agree that Harvey Keitel seemed to be looking a little long in the tooth in this film. It was a low budget movie, so I place the bar accordingly. I also agree that the kid wasn't the best actor (to say the least). But I thought the story itself...which is most important to me...was solid and engaging. It also seemed to avoid cliches; thank you for that. I think this is the same guy who did "The Hidden", and while it's not as good as that classic, I have to say I really did enjoy "Beeper".