Behind the Mask: The Batman Dead End Story

7.1| 1h38m| en

Director and Writer Eric Dow ("Honor in the Valley of Tears") brings us his second documentary as he goes behind the scenes of the fan fiction short film, "Batman: Dead End." In the winter of 2003 commercial director Sandy Collora and some of his friends set out to make a low-budget short film for his demo reel. What they wound up actually doing was making one of the most elaborate, most watched, most talked about and most controversial short films ever made: Batman Dead End. Considering the amount of press and admiration Batman: Dead End garnered,


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Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Mr-Fusion I'm as surprised as anybody that there's a hundred-minute documentary about an 8-minute short film. On the surface, at least. The production of "Batman: Dead End" occupies a fraction of this film, and the rest is a character study of its director, Sandy Collora. And warts-and-all is an understatement. Collora fancies himself a fighter in a battle to bring his visions to the masses, while those around him perceive him as . . . kind of a dick. I'm conflicted on where I stand on the man, but he has his supporters, and their admiration feels genuine. I was more interested in the man than I was in the Batman movie, and that's saying something.
theelyoueye Let me tell you something bro. I joined this site just to rate this incredible movie on a DAILY, bro. I saw this movie the batman's dead end on the internet like 10 years ago, bro. I salute this movie and the guy who made it, SanDY on a DAILY Collora, bro. He made the best Batman movie ever you can see ON A DAILY, baby please! This man needs to be SALUTED! Seriously this documentary about it is fantastic, bro. If you are a Batman fan like me, on a daily, you will really, really like this film and find it very interesting. I give Collora a lot of props, bro. The guy follows his dreams and passions on a DAILY!!! This is a movie that can be inspiring to anyone who is going after a dream because it shows how hard work and putting the time, can make the dream come true. Another guy who needs to be saluted is MR.ERIC DOW. He makes the BEST documentarRY on a DAILY, bro! You can watch it for FREE, right here on IMDb on a DAILY. Check it out. I am betting all of the movies the man is developing in this documentary will become real and we will see them very soon, bro. THE CIRCLE IN 3D ON A DAILY!!!!!!!!
jordyjooz Who is making this documentary of Collora? This is fantastic and a miracle to receive this film! Collora is making the wonderful films and can be celebrating!! Is a documentary about films and art but really is concentrating on the human spirit and a good man who is an example for others in wanting to follow his paths. This did touch my heart very much and makes good feelings for the man with the best batman internet movie in all times!! Very sad when Collora is talking about his mother and the great man who was teaching him art. Is also very funny at times when Collora is telling stories of his life in the movies business and very entertaining man!! This documentary movie can be about batman and really the most important thing in life which I believe to be the human heart. I am very happy to see this movie. Thank you, Jordyn.
Loren Fallon I saw the Batman Dead End short when it came out but had no idea what was "Behind the Mask" of this movie and this man. This Docu is a sort of brutal look into what happens behind the scenes and what it takes to make a film. I admire Sandy Collora's honesty, artistic integrity and his talent. All things this movie clearly shows. I follow him on Facebook and his posts are always inspiring and thought provoking. he seems like a good guy. This was really good and very well made interesting Docu that I recommend a lot. It has a lot of heart and is a very moving portrait of an artist who seems to be misunderstood. I salute Sandy and his work and his decisions. He obviously cares about what he puts out there and on the screen and it shows. I hope all the projects he has developing at the end of this film are going to happen. I would go to see them.