Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla

1952 "A horror film that will stiffen you with laughter!"
3.6| 1h14m| en

The Singer Duke Mitchell meets Sammy Petrillo in this parody of Martin & Lewis. They arrive on a jungle island, where a mad scientist played by Bela Lugosi makes human experiments.


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Jack Broder Productions Inc.


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Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Skyler Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Hitchcoc OK gang. Let's make a musical where we call in the great Bela Lugosi. Have him play a slightly cracked mad scientist (he must have cried himself to sleep at night). And bring in a couple guys doing the Martin and Lewis act. Actually, the Lewis look alike is quite good at what he does. This is an excuse for him to pretend to be Jerry Lewis and to dance around and cavort. The Dean guy is worthless. Lugosi does some good mugging and projects that great accent. I wonder if there was a point where he would have like to to have toned it down, but Dracula was stuck in the minds of every producer. If you don't take this too seriously, there are some decent bits.
mark.waltz This is the type of movie where you may laugh in spite of rolling your eyes. You're not laughing at the jokes, you're laughing at the wretched comedy team (Duke Mitchell and Sammy Petrillo) and the ridiculous attempts at humor they make with this dumb story. It just reminded me of another Z-grade classic ("The Bride of the Gorilla") which I really found myself enjoying in spite of how obviously bad it was. It's all set on some deserted island where the Caucasian actors dressed as natives simply recite lines like "Ooga Booga" to make it appear that they are speaking a native dialect. Then, there's the New England born Charlita who speaks with no accent whatsoever and the heavyset midwestern born Muriel Landers who chases the Jerry Lewis rip-off Petrillo and tries to feed him just so she can get him as fat as her. It's all ridiculously silly, especially when Bela Lugosi is introduced into the plot as a mad scientist doing evolution experiments in a Pickfair like mansion on the other side of the island.On this island of dumb souls, Lugosi experiments with various forms of anthropoidic life, especially an adorable young chimp named Ramona who takes a shine to Petrillo. (Perhaps she just feels satisfied knowing that there's a human being she's actually smarter than.) Petrillo keeps getting locked in Ramona's cage (or ends up with Ramona in his bed) or chased by Landers while Mitchell falls for Charlita who is the unwanted recipient of Lugosi's affections. The jealous Bela decides to get rid of his romantic rival by turning him into an ape which leads to a few funny sequences where Petrillo discovers Ramona missing and the ape version of Mitchell in his place. One hilarious blooper occurs when Lugosi gives Ramona a shot to turn her back into a baby, and Ramona changes into a spider monkey!Every time Mitchell breaks into a rock song, I just wanted to cringe, and ultimately just fast-forwarded. Even so, in his ape suit, he is very funny while trying to croon a tune to let Sammy know who is really underneath all that hair. Then comes the chase between the bad guys and the good guys leading to a silly finale where a definite let-down is revealed, making you wish you were back on Gilligan's Island where there was at least a laughtrack to let you know where you were supposed to giggle or shake your head in reluctant amusement. Lugosi comes off as pretty unscathed here, although it is obvious he was starting to tire of the drivel he had been given since the early 40's, even though he never plays the role as anything but serious. One thing in Petrillo's performance which is interesting are the Jewish references he makes, starting off with a subtle "Oy vey" and moving to more obscure Yiddish phrases non-Jews might not know, like "oy gevalt" and finally referring to his fear of being considered "mashugana". As to Lugosi's name being listed in the title and his name not re-appearing in the credits, all it can be attributed to is the fact that without mentioning any names (including Lugosi or Dracula), Petrillo seems to recognize him as that fiend who goes around biting unsuspecting children on the neck.
binapiraeus If you choose to have a try at this movie for Bela Lugosi's sake, or for it being promoted as a 'horribly funny comedy' - let me warn you: it's ONLY worth the sacrifice of sitting through this idiotic 'spoof' for a TRUE fan of Bela Lugosi who (like me) can share his pain of being degraded from a horror icon and immensely variable character actor to a 'decoy' for luring audiences into the theaters to watch silly little teenager 'comedies'...From beginning to end, the movie is incredibly badly directed and acted (especially that little nerd Sammy Petrillo, a kind of Jerry Lewis for the VERY poor, doesn't stop getting on our nerves even for a moment), the 'special effects', namely the 'transformation scenes', make those in the silent version of "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" 30 years earlier look REALLY modern, and the studio 'jungle' is as phony as the 'natives'.So, only those who are able to endure to sit through that whole 'film' will get to see the ONLY thing that's worth watching - and admiring: Bela Lugosi, the great, earnest, REAL professional who loved his acting profession SO much that he gave his best, as always, as the shady, jealous, crazy scientist, even in this cinematographic 'monster' that's not even 'so bad it's good'; it's simply BAD. So we REALLY must take our hats off to Bela, who, although this 'comedy' is MUCH worse than any of the nonsense he did a few years later for Ed Wood, manages to keep his dignity even here, among untalented teenagers and with a script that's not even worth the paper it was written on, acting with a MORE than admirable devotion to his role and with real professionalism.
Michael_Elliott Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla (1952)* 1/2 (out of 4)Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis wannabes Duke Mitchell and Sammy Petrillo fall out of a plane on land on an island where a mad scientist (Bela Lugosi) is doing bizarre experiments on monkeys. Pretty soon the two friends have sisters in love with them and all sort of other weirdness.BELA LUGOSI MEETS A BROOKLYN GORILLA is an awful movie from start to finish. Again, I repeat. This is an awful movie in just about every way imaginable. With that said, I also find it to be incredibly entertaining and quite often when I'm looking for a low- budget bad movie to watch, I come back to this one. While it's not as entertaining as something like PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE it's still a highly enjoyable film.Perhaps I should repeat that the film is awful so no one goes in expecting something good or somewhat good. The entire idea of the film is rather routine, clichéd and stupid but there's just something weirdly entertaining about watching Mitchell and especially Petrillo do their act. It's reported that Jerry Lewis sued Petrillo and it's really no shock because it's pretty much an exact copy only much more annoying. The comic back-and-forth here isn't funny yet it's so unfunny that you can't help but be entertained.Then there's the Lugosi element. I know many people put down his roles in the Ed Wood movies but this had to be one of the lowest points for the actor. He pretty much does what he can with the role but he's basically just standing or sitting around and screaming or talking with the monkey. If you're a fan of Lugosi you're probably going to feel sorry for him appearing in this but at the same time it's still rather fun to see him surrounded by all the craziness.As a comedy this film is quite horrible but it remains entertaining to me. I don't know, perhaps I enjoy torturing myself but sometimes films are just so bad or different or strange that you can't help but be drawn to them. BELA LUGOSI MEETS A BROOKLYN GORILLA has a very silly title but it perfectly matches what you're going to be seeing in the picture.