Beyond the Time Barrier

1960 "Adam and Eve of the year 2024! Only they could repopulate the world!"
5.3| 1h15m| NR| en

In 1960, a pilot testing an experimental rocket powered aircraft accidentally flies into the future and finds himself in a sealed city whose people suspect he is a spy from outside their walls, but who want to keep him to procreate with the ruler's daughter because the majority of the inhabitants are sterile.


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Miller Consolidated Pictures (MCP)


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Also starring Darlene Tompkins


Boobirt Stylish but barely mediocre overall
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Mabel Munoz Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?
Uriah43 "Major William Allison" (Robert Clarke) is a test pilot for the United States Air Force who has been assigned to fly an experimental jet into space at speeds never before attempted by mankind. Unfortunately, his mission accidentally takes him 64 years into the future to a time when a plague has decimated most of the population and created hostile mobs of mutants who seek to wreck havoc on the few less infected people living underground. Yet while these people don't quite suffer from the full ravages of the plague the disease has rendered all of them deaf, mute and completely sterile. All but one that is and the arrival of Major Allison gives them hope that perhaps he and a beautiful woman named "Trirene" (Darlene Tompkins) can offer them a chance of repopulating the human species. But there is another opportunity presented with Major Allison's arrival which another group has formulated and it conflicts with the plans of the establishment. Now rather than reveal any more of this movie and risk spoiling it for those who haven't seen it I will just say that this was a decent science fiction film for the most part. Admittedly, being produced in 1960 it lacks the special effects of movies made during the present time and the film lacked depth and substance to a certain degree as well. But in any case I kind of enjoyed it and so I rate this movie as about average and recommend it to fans of this particular time and genre.
Kev11sky There's a lot to hate about this movie -- the cheap FX (e.g. the Flash Gordon models once the "X-80" reaches space); the scientific flaws; the inexplicable plot holes at some points...Also the futuristic sets seem to borrow heavily from preceding sci-fi hits -- "Forbidden Planet" especially, with all the triangular doors and passageways.Still, I like this movie because it touches on so many themes or tropes that still exist in most science fiction movies (and books too, for that matter). It mixes and matches some of the best ideas from the Twilight Zone series... in fact, it's like watching an extended episode of TZ!Examples of ideas:Destruction of atmosphere (ozone?) -- in this case by nuclear testsDiscovery of hyperluminal/"faster than light" technology, leading to:Colonization of Mars and Venus (briefly mentioned)Future history (after 1960) which includes Russian and German scientistsMutation from radiation (in this movie, cosmic rays)... leading to loss of hearing (the "deaf-mutes") and sterility... deformities are suggested but not seenSurveillance by a Supreme authority (cameras watching everything)Telepathy (apparently only the girl "Trirene" has it?)Time travel (obviously!) -- but no mention of the Grandfather Paradox if the protagonist goes backwards in time in order to change the futureUnderground "citadel" for protection from "cosmic plague" as well as from the:Zombie-like savage mutants on the surface, or kept below in a dungeonAnd probably many other concepts as well... many of these ideas are part of every modern Hollywood sci-fi movie.P.S. The scene where Trirene swims (naked?) in a pool is obviously borrowed from "Forbidden Planet"...
MartinHafer The basic idea behind "Beyond the Time Barrier" isn't bad--it's just painfully obvious it was a super-low budget film. Too many set and script problems lingered that would have been worked out if the film makers had more than $45 to make the entire film. Despite this, the film does have two minor stars in it--Victor Sokoloff (a familiar face but a name you'll not readily recognize) and Robert Clark (who made a few sci-fi films and guest starred on TV shows like "Dragnet").The film is set in 1960. Clark is a Major in the Air Force and is flying a sub-orbital high altitude experimental flight. However, something odd happens and he's somehow transported 64 years into the future! And, unfortunately, the future completely sucks! It seems some plague killed most of the folks on Earth and left most of the rest as either mutants or total jerks! So, Clark has to somehow get back to his time to alert the folks on Earth. Can he do it? And, is there any way they'll believe him? And, will the complete and total jerks of the future even let him attempt this...after all, they ARE jerks! Overall, despite the crappy sets, I could recommend this to lovers of cheesy sci-fi. That's because the basic story isn't bad at all and it ended very well. On the other hand, be forewarned--it is cheap--REALLY cheap. The worst are the 'mutants' kept in prison. The ones near the top of the steps and those down inside the pit are OBVIOUSLY from different movies--and look NOTHING like each other!! The stairs ones are guys (no ladies?) wearing the absolute worst skin-head wigs I've ever seen! They are hilariously dumb. But, the folks living down in the pit look almost like extras from "Island of Lost Souls"--all covered in hair and looking a bit primordial!! Duh! So, if you can ignore the dumb parts, it's not bad...but still uneven.
fedor8 There is plenty to grin about in this hopelessly moronic 50s sci-fi cheapie. The dialog is refreshingly naive and idiotic, the acting silly, but the Award For Most Unintentional Comedic Aspect Of The Movie goes to the fight scenes. Every time there is a fist-fight or a shuffle or someone gets arrested, it's time to laugh out loud; the action choreography is the worst i.e. funniest I've ever seen, on par with the fight scenes at the end of "Bride of the Monster": it's slapstick pure! Particularly the fight between one of the two scientists and the hero is worth watching several times. The sets are okay, especially considering the budget, so it's a pity the movie is b&w. The attempts to inject some scientific credibility into the basic premise aren't as lousy as in some other cheap movies of the time; a good example is the scene in which the two 20th century scientists explain to Major Allison (the male hero's name!) how the speed of his aircraft combines with the speed of the galaxy to break the "time barrier". Adding to the overall camp is the silly performance of Allison's deaf-mute, always-smiling (but sometimes slap-happy) love-interest, and the obviously fake (wrinkled) bald heads of the mutants. The old geezer, who plays the ruler of the citadel, provides amusement, too; he doesn't appear often, but whenever he opens his mouth something ridiculously stupid manages to come out of it. A scene worth noting is when the brunette betrays Allison and points a gun at him, only to be suddenly shot by one of the scientists; very funny. Moreover, after that the other scientist kills the one who killed the brunette, and all silly hell breaks loose. There is also the scene where the deaf-mute girl shows some rather daft-looking photos of her family to Allison.