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Sixteen year old Bibi comes to her aunt Toni's boarding house where she is seduced by lesbian women.


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Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Stephan Hammond It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
augustian Having seen other films starring Marie Forsa I thought I would give this a viewing but at the end it all seemed a waste of time. Marie Forsa is a very attractive woman; with her elfin face framed by her shoulder-length blond hair she exudes an innocent charm. The other women are also good looking as one would expect in an erotic film but the film itself under the direction of Joe Sarno is quite boring.Marie plays a young woman who comes to stay in a house seemingly populated by lesbians. If you like girl on girl action then this is OK and a lot of the action is quite graphic although it should be stated that this is still soft core but what irks the most is the director's almost obsessive compulsion to zoom in on the their faces. If this is meant to convey some sort of intensity then it quickly loses the effect. This is not one of Joe Sarno's better efforts.
stationkeal Adult movies are adult movies, whether they're rated NC-17 or XXX. I say if you're under 18, just wait. When you're of age, all adult movies are fair game, and modern adult films lack story and visual style. They're all about the beautiful girls and watching them perform. There's nothing wrong with that, but sooner or later you're going to want to find an adult film that can help justify its genre with an interesting story, a great director, or some other element that will haunt you for days on end, keeping you thinking about it. There are only a handful of adult films that qualify for me as classics. Bibi is one of them.Psychological stories in adult films are the best, and my favorites aside from Bibi I can count on two fingers. Taboo 2 (directed by Kirdy Stevens, starring Dorothy Lemay), and Secrets D'adolescentes, also known as Summer In The Country (starring Julia Perrin and Jane Baker). Bibi makes the list of my top 3 best adult films.Bibi has a few elements going against it. Actors speaking English as a second language, so they have heavy accents. Artistic style isn't really present - the camera work gives Bibi a b-movie atmosphere, making you feel like you're watching a sleazy grindhouse movie. So what makes Bibi a classic? Well, Bibi, the sixteen year old girl, who would normally be the prey of lusty adults in a movie like this, turns out to be the predator. There's no other adult film like this in existence, from the 1920's to the present day. It's truly unique.Acting is pretty sterile in this film from actors, but that adds to the mood. How would you feel, trying to steer a young woman on the right path, only to have her seduce you? It's a pitch-perfect movie as Bibi grows scene after scene.The fact that this film is soft rather than hardcore helps the viewer focus on the story. If the sex scenes were any more explicit, it would surely ruin the flow. Taboo 2, for example could reach a lot more people if a softcore version were created. Secrets d'adolescentes has a softcore and hardcore version, and watching both really helped cement it as my all-time favorite adult film. Bibi could have had a hardcore version, but since it doesn't exist, what can I say.Where Taboo 2 and Secrets d'adolescentes deals with incest, which may be a stumbling block for many viewers, Bibi has a more universal theme - the story of a young girl who is awakening, sexually. There aren't many people around us who are sleeping with their own family, but I'm sure everyone knows of a woman in their lives who has a reputation for being frisky.Bibi surprisingly puts the viewer on the side of the adult actors. The way they react to Bibi's sexual advances are shockingly realistic, given the fact that they seem to be frisky adults, and it makes you feel like Bibi is wrong in seducing everyone, yet it all seems fine, as long as her prey are mindful and caring of her well-being. A very thin line to tread on, but this film does it effortlessly.If you don't mind lesbian scenes and are in the mood for an adult film that will provoke a little thought, Bibi comes highly, highly recommended. You can skip Taboo 2, but if you can find it, give Secrets d'adolescentes a try. I can't think of any other adult films in history that I would recommend. The rest are all the same, just sex and a little story (if any) on top. Bibi is a simple story with a little sex as a side dish.The bottom line is, if there has to be a film about the sexual awakening of a young girl, and it's to stand the test of time, Bibi seems to be that very thing.
lazarillo The plot given here is actually a little inaccurate. The title character "Bibi" is actually the seducER, not the seducee and although most of her conquests are indeed lesbians, they also include men, couples, you name it. She always takes some kind of trinket from each sex partner--as she says in her thick Swedish accent, "Sumpting to remember you by"--and by the end of the movie she has collected A LOT of trinkets.I saw this almost back-to-back with the "Second Coming of Eva", and while both films had too much sex in them perhaps, I liked this better. First off, it is Swedish softcore rather Swedish XXX, so the girls are noticeably more attractive, especially Maria Forsa, who is one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen in a film this explicit. Also the sex scenes here are ridiculously numerous, but they're not interminably long as is the bane of pretty much all XXX films, so the film moves pretty fast at least. And the one song, "Baby, Love is Strange", is actually pretty catchy. Naturally, nobody here can really act, or even pronounce their stilted English dialogue, but Forsa especially should have won some kind of special award for faking(?) orgasms. She appeared in at least two other Joe Sarno movies, "Vampires Ecstasy" and "Butterflies" (she's even more impressive in orgasm-faking department then she is in this one).This is not nearly as interesting as Sarno's best work like "Young Playthings" (sadly, MIA on legitimate DVD), "Inga and Greta", or "Vampire's Ecstasy"--all movies that have an actual plot. (Well, kinda). Still, it is worth a look.
wildpeace10 i had seem Maria Forsa for the first time in VAMPIRE ECSTACY.I thought she was the best looking girl in that film and wanted to see more of her so i was glad to come upon her GIRL MEETS GIRL movie.I thought i was in for a treat. I wasn't.The film is way too long and you really have to be into lesbian scenes. i'm not against some lesbian content but the way it's presented here is mostly dull and boring.The lighting,the choices of the actresses, the way the scenes are shot and the weak storyline makes this film pretty uninteresting. VAMPIRE ECSTACY looks like a masterpiece compared to this!