Bigfoot County

2012 "They do exist."
2.9| 1h22m| R| en

Siskiyou County, California has the most reported Bigfoot sightings in the world. In August of 2009, a documentary filmmaker went to investigate these alleged sightings.


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DragonGate Films


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Laikals The greatest movie ever made..!
Nonureva Really Surprised!
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Billie Morin This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
jackiedm113 I really really wanted Bigfoot to come crashing out of the woods and gobble up these useless idiots! But alas. I made it to the bitter end and I guess there was a little payoff, but not enough for what I went through to get there.Be warned - not for the sensitive viewer. Even if all the gratuitous language (was all that really necessary?) doesn't bother you - there is worse than language.I liked Blair Witch. I thought it was clever and scary. But this is a pale and lazy copy. I can't be sorry I watched it though since I would have been wondering if I hadn't.
Ssssss Aaaaaaaa This is hands down the most unsatisfying cinematic piece of work I have viewed in my lifetime. I can tell with 100% honesty, the acting is at a brazers level. There isn't a consecutive 25 second span in the entire film that is tolerable. For this to even come out on On Demand makes me hate com-cast even more. Why am I still watching this?! I made this account for the sole purpose of this public service announcement. Holy lord this is bad. This is worse the the videos I would make with my siblings reenacting homeward bound the incredible journey. I wouldn't wish this experience on anyone, except this guy I work with named Cesar. I would love to talk to him about it cues he's one of the funniest guys I know.
frankmcgovern66 This movie was.... terrible? Awful? Abysmal? Wretched? Just plain bad? Hmmm, I can't think of quite the right word to convey my disappointment. I like lost footage films when they are done right. This one wasn't. the writer saw Blair Witch once, thought "Hey! I can do that!" and then fell over and hit his head causing massive brain damage. That is the only way I figure this could have been made. Some people talk about how this is a homage to Blair Witch, or that it's just carrying on the style; it's three schmucks lost in the woods yelling at each other while one of them films it. Now then I know that's what pretty much any Lost Footage film is, but in this one, no one seemed to care. At all. I'm putting more love into this review than anyone did to that movie. But I can forgive the slow pacing, predictability, poor acting, flagrant use of the the F- Bombs (a sign that the writer doesn't know how to write dialogue) because I do love my silly horror/monster films. What I can't forgive is the ending: The "Teehee, I saw Deliverance as a child and I added my own backwoods rapists into it! They're the real monsters! But oh wait, if you watch the dead guy at the very end for long enough you see Bigfoot for 2 seconds letting you know he might have been responsible for... something?" Honestly, I hate that crap. It's insulting. If they just kept it simple they might have had something, but the "twist" followed by a last minute even more predictable "twist" is just lazy.
trivium105 I find some of the reviews of this film slightly ridiculous. One starts off by saying how they 'loathe found footage films', well why did you watch this then?! Several other reviews complain about the shaky camera work ... erm, it's a fake documentary filmed by people walking around with a hand-held camera, mostly through difficult terrain, wouldn't it be slightly bizarre if the camera-work was perfect?!! Take found footage films for what they are, if you don't like them then don't watch them and then complain about them! I love found footage films, a lot of them are dreadful but this is not one of them. I thought the acting was decent by found footage standards (in other words perfectly OK for this type of film)and at least it wasn't filmed in an abandoned lunatic asylum for a change. The tension is really built up well in this film, there is a lot of weird stuff going on which creeps you out (no in-your-face monsters etc) and you never really know what is stalking the documentary makers. There are weak points, such as the blatant Blair-witch rip off scene (though no doubt the director would claim it's a tribute) and some absurd dialogue bearing in mind the situation the crew are in. Overall though it is a decent effort and if it only cost 600 bucks then hats off to the producers etc. If you like found footage films, watch it. If you don't, don't watch it!