
1988 "Fast food executive Jim Ferguson stepped out of his 47th floor office to go to the bathroom... and ended up in the middle of World War I. History will be grateful forever."
5.6| 1h48m| PG| en

Unassuming catering salesmen Jim Ferguson falls through a time hole to 1917 where he saves the life of dashing Royal Flying Corps pilot James "Biggles" Bigglesworth after his photo recon mission is shot down. Before he can work out what has happened, Jim is zapped back to the 1980s......


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Glatpoti It is so daring, it is so ambitious, it is so thrilling and weird and pointed and powerful. I never knew where it was going.
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Payno I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
roger-395 I hate to quibble with a comment but I had to offer some follow up to the comment regarding the disbelief of a German secret weapon during World War I. The concept for a wave type weapon has its origins before World War I with Nicola Tesla, who first postulated the notion of what has become known as scalar waves. Modern physics denies that such waves can exist but Tesla was convinced that they did and according to some he provided it (Tesla Horwitzer). The British actually developed the first theoretic underpinnings for a sound weapon of the type depicted in Biggles and frankly I thought that is where the idea came from. We "moderns" think far to much of our capabilities. What is happening today is that some open minded scientists are revisiting discarded Victorian science. How many people know that the modern principles of William Clerk Maxwell's electromagnetic principles are taught today in a truncated form and that the missing parts may in fact provide the theory for effective wave weapons (ever wonder why the US government spends so much time on Star Wars technology?). By the 1930s, the Germans were developing a number of secret weapons including the so called death rays. I think it prudent to give early modern humans credit for being just as creative as our generation and a lot more open minded.
benkidlington I like this movie, having just seen it for the first time, and I have never read the original Biggles books. But, it's clear even to me that the film hasn't attempted to stay true to the original stories.Nethertheless I found great entertainment value in this movie, which is simply to be enjoyed in a rather light hearted way it seems.No doubt this time-travel based production was slip-streaming behind the great success of Back to the Future, and it's a real roller-coaster ride and a fantastic culture clash between the 1980's and WWI eras. Any such movie released back in the mid-eighties should have done well at the box office, at least on paper.This film really is so eighties though, from the synthesiser-heavy intro music, down to the "punk scene", and the strikingly bleak grayish hotel lobby and eighties typefaces, that even people like myself who grew up in the eighties will probably feel more at home in what seems like the more "normal" WWI scenes.Was the eighties really that potently eighties? Obviously, it was, but it didn't seem like that at the time of course.So for me, this film has been a trip back in time to the eighties, and it fits in so well with a great sequence of other really enjoyable films I watched back then in my teenage years. I can't believe I somehow didn't see it at the time, but I'm really glad to have seen it at last in 2007.The aircraft scenes were highly enjoyable, and it's always good to see Peter Cushing too.7/10 from me.
theinvisiblemonkey They released this movie on DVD last month (June '04). I can not find it in stores, and I do not want to buy it used because I want it to get credit for getting bought at Best Buy or Suncoast or some other place like that. I think it can be ordered online though. has it for sure. I just looked as I was writing this. Did you know the opening theme, that violin opening.. is an opening that goes to a Deep Purple song called "Knockin At Your Backdoor." Except they cut the part out just before it starts to rock out. I was just told I needed to put 10 lines in a comment for some strange reason, so here it is.. line number 10.
R_O_U_S No-one could have put money on this working. And, of course, in many ways, it doesn't. If I saw it for the first time now, I might hate it. However, I watched it endlessly as a child. An American in the 1980s finds himself shunted back in time to World War II and meets the famous Biggles. The time zones are linked by Biggles' commanding officer, now an old man, and the very 80s Jim finds himself part of a plan to prevent the Germans developing a new weapon. It's cheesy trash. I absolutely love it.