Black Devil Doll from Hell

1984 "Was it a nightmare? Or was it for real?"
3.4| 1h10m| NR| en

A woman buys a doll at a magic shop. Unbeknownst to her, the doll is possessed by an evil spirit, and it proceeds to take her over.


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CNT Production Company


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Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
Artivels Undescribable Perfection
Wordiezett So much average
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Kingkitsch "Black Devil Doll From Hell" is now easily available in a two-fer package of the films by Chester N. Turner. Once an urban legend seen by few but talked about by many, BDDFH has returned to horrify everyone with witless incompetence in absolutely every way possible. This is genius work, only realized once seen.Turner dared to go where no one had gone before, except that the "possessed doll" genre had been around a long time before he got his hands on somebody's camcorder and a Casio keyboard. One thinks of the "Talky Tina" sequence from an ancient Twilight Zone episode, or the truly unsettling "Devil Doll" starring Hugo the Dummy way back in 1964. BDDFH however, goes the extra mile throwing puppet-on-human sex into the mix. You don't need to see this, but actually, you do.Helen Black (a bravura performance by Shirley L. Jones) is a prim and proper church lady who is saving herself for marriage. Her home is chockablock with religious artifacts and numerous Bibles within easy reach. She encounters a sinister shopkeeper in a thrift store who sells her a black ventriloquist dummy complete with cornrows and 50 pounds of beads on the ends of the braids. This doll has the power to grant anyone their heart's desire and then go back to the store after wreaking havoc on the current buyer. Helen, entranced, buys the puppet and takes it home. Helen, for some bizarre reason, places the puppet on the toilet. The puppet immediately spies on Helen taking a shower. Bad things begin to happen. Evidently, Helen is a sex monster under all that church veneer. The doll gives her what she wants: a serious booty call. Unpleasant but hilarious sex ensues. Helen, now given her heart's desire, goes on the prowl for real meat. Unfortunately, she's been ruined by the sweet moves and dirty talk of the puppet so real penises don't hit the spot. Unfortunately for the new improved hot pants Helen, the puppet has returned to the store. So Helen returns to the store , buys the puppet back and begs it for some lovin'. It kills her instead. Ha! She knew what she was getting into, but too late for Helen to say "no". The bad puppet is then resold to another unsuspecting victim. You run away screaming that you lost seventy some minutes of your life watching this but still tell everyone at work the next day about it.Perhaps Chester N. Turner really was an unrecognized auteur, but alas, he has vanished. BDDFH is a masterpiece of annoyance and brilliance. I defy anyone to not laugh wildly while watching this, and then not feel badly for poor Helen. By the way, the box the dummy comes in must be possessed as well, since Helen brings it from the store twice and the last buyer has it as well. Duct tape and all.
adriangr Black Devil Doll from Hell has gained something of a cult following but think carefully before paying large sums of money to obtain it - it's not worthy of any serious investment. It is, however totally, hysterically, funny entertainment.Shot on home video without a budget using home locations and presumably friends and family as actors, the story tells of a cursed doll, that when purchased, grants it's owner any wish, but this service obviously comes at a price. And the star of our tale, meek, church- going Helen, is about to find out what that is! Helen spies the doll in a curiosity shop one day and is compelled to buy it, despite the shop owner's doom-laden warnings. On getting the doll home. she makes a place for it in the toilet (!?) and then the terror beings, as Helen first starts to be visited by weird hallucinations about the doll coming to life - and then it actually does come to life and subjects her to a "puppet sex attack"!Now already this sounds absurd, not to mention very sleazy, but as the film is so amateurish, you can only laugh at the proceedings rather than anything else. Everything is played straight, in fact the actress playing Helen does her best to contribute a performance of sorts - but it's all for nothing as once the Black Devil Doll himself starts to wake up, you'll forget about any realism at all. Basically, the doll is a commercially bought ventriloquist's puppet with a Rick James style hairstyle, and when he comes to life, he's pretty much animated in the same way (ie, with a stage hand's arm up him, waggling him about). The scenes in which the puppet assaults Helen are what this film is famous for and you may have to pinch yourself to know that what you are seeing has actually been committed to film. There's nothing graphic in the film, Helen is never shown fully naked and there is no violence to speak of, it's just the hilarity of the situation that will imprint it on your memory. That and the doll's foul-mouthed, "Mr T" accented vocal tirade, which good taste prevents me from transcribing here.The whole wretched thing is scored with a Casio organ, seemingly set on one single demo loop that goes "boom-titty-boom-tish" over and over again, oh except for the serious scenes when what are presumably supposed to be sinister chords are represented by a sound more like ear-splitting feedback.Due to the rarity of any copies of this item, it has become more talked about than actually seen. Sadly if more people did see it, the fog of curiosity would probably evaporate leaving what is simply, one man's very warped attempt at a home horror movie. It's not shocking or extreme, so if you do get a copy, my advice is to have a party and invite a bunch of friends over to watch it. Personally i am very glad my love of bad movies led me to it, and I feel all the richer for having a copy to enjoy.
spencers-6 First of all, I don't think I ever laughed so hard ever watching a so-bad it's good horror movie.That being said, with all due respect to BDDFH, there is a much worse horror movie out there folks. Trust me, I've seen a lot. If you haven't seen this, you have to put it high on your list. Good luck finding it though.....I give you:#1) Barn of the Blood Llama #2) Attack of the Beast Creatures #3) Black Devil Doll from HellAlso, you can go to It's an awesome sight.You might also look at:God Monster of Indian Flats Night of the Lepus Frankenstein Island:-) Spencer
HumanoidOfFlesh The plot of "Black Devil Doll from Hell" is fairly simple:a foul-mouthed ventriloquist dummy terrorizes a defenseless religious zealot.Helen Black,a prim and deeply religious woman,buys a strange doll in a curio shop.The shop's owner tells her that the doll has been purchased four different times,and each time it has found its way back to the shop.Soon the Helen is thrown into a nightmare as the doll begins to terrorize her...Wow,this piece of blacksploitation sleaze is completely abysmal.The acting is horrible,the score is incredibly awful and there is no gore.The special effects are some of the worst I have ever seen.Still the lengthy sex scene between Helen and a doll is hilarious.That sequence,with the puppet(obviously controlled by a guy shaking it off-screen)humping this plump but ecstatic Bible-thumper had me laughing so hard I was crying.The action drags tremendously,with most scenes going on for way too long and others being totally unnecessary.Overall,a must-see for fans of trash cinema.