
1998 "He's just been dealt... a deadly hand."
4.8| 1h52m| PG| en

After saving Casey, a daughter of his friend, from hired assassins, Jack Devlin is hit with a strange phobia - fear of white color. But when his other friend, who works as a bodyguard for a supermodel, is wounded, Jack decides to step in for him. Now he must confront his fear and the assassin, who seems to be well aware of Jack's problem.


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Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Blucher One of the worst movies I've ever seen
ChampDavSlim The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Leofwine_draca My God! I was hoping that this would turn out to be Lundgren's best film - turns out instead that it's his worst I've seen. John Woo makes a television movie and does it very badly. The pacing is non-existent, the movie packed with extraneous characters (like the young girl) and the whole thing feels like it's been patched together from four television episodes. I've never known a Woo film to drag or be incredibly boring until now.Things look promising at the beginning with a house massacre, with Lundgren taking on a whole gang of bad guys in Woo's inimitably violent style. Sadly things descend into silliness when a trampoline comes into play. Then the action is over and done with, until a predictable but fun motorbike fight in the woods halfway through. The baddie turns out to be a single sniper, and the sight of Lundgren chasing a single villain just isn't a lot of fun. Quite boring, in fact.Lundgren is terribly wooden, the supporting cast no better (although that French guy was kind of amusing). Even good old Fred Williamson is wasted in a role where he does little or nothing. The nonsensical plot lurches from one instance to another, only occasionally making sense as it goes along. The villain isn't big or clever, just irritating and whiny. The females look pretty but are pretty vapid. And talk about that anti-climatic ending. Oh yeah, and at the beginning Lundgren gets blinded by a flash grenade and develops a phobia of the colour white. Later on he has to fight in a milk factory. Bet you couldn't see that one coming, could you? A new career low for both Lundgren and Woo, abysmal stuff.
bkoganbing Blackjack casts Dolph Lundgren the best developed Swedish body since Ingemar Johanssen as a US Marshal doing a good turn protecting the family of a friend who owns a casino from some nasty Russian guys trying to muscle in. Quite a few bad guys go down Rambo style with Lundgren protecting Padraigin Murphy, but in the process during an explosion Lundgren develops a whiteout disorder.He's finished as a marshal but bodyguard agency head Fred Williamson hires him to protect supermodel Kam Heskin who has a nasty drug habit to boot from a really vicious stalker who has lots of friends with guns to help him stalk. He learns about Lundgren's phobia and the dirty rat now dresses in formal white dress with a white cutaway. You'd think he was Fred Astaire.A television pilot that didn't sell I guess the network folks thought that the phobia wouldn't generate that many interesting episodes. They were probably right. The always beautiful and attractive Kate Vernon is Lundgren's psychiatrist. She's always worth watching.Lots of Rambo style action and why not as Lundgren got his first notice in a Rocky film.
Paul Andrews Blackjack starts as former FED Jack Devlin (Dolphh Lundgren) is called in by his brother to protect his young daughter Casey (Padraigin Murphy) with good reason because shortly after an attempt is made on her life, luckily Devlin is pretty much bullet proof & hard as nails so a heavily armed gang of mercenaries is no problem although one throws flash grenade which temporarily blinds Devlin but simply not being able to see isn't enough to stop Devlin killing all the bead guy's & saving his niece. However the attack has left Devlin with a phobia, he is afraid of the colour white which is a bit of a problem. Anyway, when his former FED buddy Tim Hastings (Fred Williamson) is shot while protecting a supermodel client named Cinder James (Kam Heskin) Devlin takes over the operation & sets about finding out who wants to kill Cinder & stopping them, obviously...This made-for-TV American Canadian co-production was surprisingly executive produced & directed by John Woo who deserves better than this & one wonders why he made Blackjack straight after the big budget futuristic action flick Face/Off (1997), to me it seemed like a step backwards although having said that his next film after Blackjack was the big budget Tom Cruise flick Mission: Impossible II (2000) so I can only assume he made this over a couple of weekends to pass the time. Anyway, the script by executive producer Peter Lance is to be blunt tripe. For a start it's unoriginal, it's predictable, it has very low key action scenes & set pieces, bad dialogue, clichéd character's & it's dull. Then there's this nonsense about Devlin being afraid of the colour white, I'm sorry but I was like sitting there thinking so what? It's hardly the most exciting plot device in the world is it? The only reason it's original & hasn't been used in any other film is because it's such a stupid notion nobody ever wanted to use it before. The scene when the bad guy gets away because he drops a large white sheet down in front of Devlin is hilarious & stupid in equal measure as is the fight in a huge pool of milk. The bad guy's motives suck, the script takes itself very seriously & there are no one-liners or wisecracks to lighten the tone & there's no chemistry between any of the character's either.Director Woo is on autopilot here, sure there are maybe a couple of decent motorbike stunts but apart from that there's some shoot outs with his traditional slow motion shots there but very little else, it's certainly not exciting & where do I get some of those razor sharp playing cards that Devlin has? Devlin is hard, in fact he's so hard he even has a butler who wears an eye-patch... You have every right to expect better from Woo.With a supposed budget of about $10,000,000 Blackjack had a much bigger budget than I first thought although Lundgren was paid $2,000,000 & the film looks like what it is, a low budget made-for-TV action flick, there's no style or substance here at all although it's well made for what it's worth. The cast are alright although Heskin never convinces as a supermodel in either looks or acting department. Fred Williamson is wasted in small cameo.Blackjack feels like something Woo made during his weekends, I don't really understand what anyone would see in it as it's not exciting & it's action scenes are below average.
bronsonskull72 Dolph Lundgren plays Jack Devlin a mercenary suffering from the fear of the color white, who must protect a supermodel (Kam Heskin) from a skilled assassin who is her ex-husband (Phillip Mackenzie) John Woo certainly knows how to do pile on some excellent actionscenes, however the story is far too slow and ridiculous to be taken seriously. Not a bad effort (especially considering it's a TV movie) but John Woo can do better, although surprisingly hasn't lately with suckfests as Windtalkers and M.I.2.

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