Good story, Not enough for a whole film
everything you have heard about this movie is true.
I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
this one could have been great, if it were given to a talented writer. don't get me wrong, i love lower budget movies; some of the all-time greats are by roger coreman, but the only reason i made it through was the fact that i am a die hard meat loaf fan. he really is an underrated actor, and he does a pretty good job executing in this one, as he does in his other roles, but the writing was just so bad. the story line is decent, the moral is good and i like the ending because it's not traditional for this type of message. i just think that the dialogue killed the movie for most of the viewers. hopefully someday we'll be blessed with a movie where meat is given a leading role so more people will see his abilities other than us super fans who memorize his albums.
There wasn't any mention of the Edsel in the previous comments, so I'll try to clue you in. This is a great movie if you like Edsels, the real star was the 1959 Edsel! Meat Loaf as Jack does a great job as the heavy, really scary! However, the best scenes are when David is chasing the bigrig Peterbuilt that Jack's driving, in his old 1959 Edsel, (this was the car Ford built in 1958 to fill the gap in their line-up to catch up with General Motors}. It was a ill-fated and well documented attempt. World know as FORD'S "FLOP"If you liked DUEL with Dennis Weaver, you'll love this one. The hero drives a much more interesting car.The hero wins in the end, thats the Edsel of course! for more about Edsels visit my Edsel group at
Not exactly the best film around. In fact, I'd say Blacktop was far from it. But it had its endearing moments. And with the presence of two of my favorite (not to mention HOT) actresses, it's often easy to forget about the cheesy dialogue and ridiculous situations and just go with things. Meatloaf's ranting psychotic moments are among the better parts of his performance and it's nice to finally see the damsel in distress fight back. Kristin Davis does well, despite the cheesy dialogue and some of the sappier points of the film. And the fact that she has her shirt off for at least a good 20 minutes, more than makes up for most of the lamer parts of the film. The only thing better than Kristin Davis is Victoria Pratt's role as cowgirl, Charlie. She's fun and full of energy and helps breath life back into the story just when the thing really starts to die. So while it's not the best movie around, it's worth taking a look at at least once. If only for the ladies and the re-enforcing message of 'Don't accept rides from strangers.'
samhu (samhu)
Same old story, okay acting, passable filmmaking, tired climax. Mainly for Meatloaf fans (yes, the man is a fair actor). Overlook the plot holes, jaded characters, indestructible automobile, goofs and you have a movie that you might watch through to the end, if you are laid up in bed, and the remote is broken.