Great Film overall
Good story, Not enough for a whole film
everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Mehdi Hoffman
There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.
Marcos Stavros
Shot on a $550,000 budget, this film is exactly what you expect it to be - a fun watch if you're not doing anything else, a slightly amateurish (though well-shot) romp through a brutally predictable story.Let's start with the good stuff. The cinematography is good, sound's good, and the music's effective. The acting is fine. Nothing to write home about, but given the dialogue, these folks are doing a decent job - particularly Brittany Ishibashi, who comes off like practically a real person. There are two big issues with this film. The first one is that the protagonists, overbearing hipster physician Matt (Michael Steger) and pregnant wife-who-makes-other-pregnant-ladies-look-bad-at-Zumba Sarah (Chelsey Crisp) are thoroughly, immediately dislikable. They're uptight, judgmental, irascible, self-absorbed, and there's something about the expression of permanent sympathetic condescension on Sarah's face that makes you want to leave, immediately, and go to the house down the street, or next door, or visit any other couple in town. I cannot fathom why writer/director Tripp Rhame wanted us to spend time with these people - if it was about writing believable characters, then yes they're believable, but at what cost, comrade? They're like all the worst parts of Portlandia characters with none of the humor. These two charmers are joined by jingly-necklaced Stoner Sterotype Eric and his sort-of-pagan-ish girlfriend Skye. I know this will shock you all, but Eric and Skye are into ghost hunting! What a coinkydink. Also along for the ride are a well-adjusted racially-diverse couple who you immediately know are going to be slaughtered for their minority-ness, bland niceness, and overall lack of plotting necessity.The film's bigger failure - the one that stops it being a truly worthwhile watch - lies in its writing. The cast - and plot - is a parade of clichés so recognizable you could practically order them on Amazon. Chucklehead stoner (played with hammy gusto by Riley Smith) who leads everyone into danger with his tomfoolery, check. Some book thing splattered and scrawled-on with black and red ink by Art Department - which gets read out loud by Cheech Marrin as we hear the obligatory breathing-out sound and get the first-person ghost's-eye rushing-through- the-spooky-location shot - yup. Endless flashlight-and-shaky-cam crud in the woods - mais oui.Hell, if it's not broke, you don't fix it, even if it's been done so many times your dog could probably write the dialogue for it ("Did you hear that?" "Hear what?" "Let's get out of here.")The writer/director of this film seems to be assuming we'll automatically side with the buttoned-up, beyond-boring yuppie couple. Fifteen minutes in, I'm already rooting for whatever inbred Church-of-Hick-Satan budget Jesus lookalike is going to put us all out of their misery.
I decided to watch this because it was rated 3 out of 5 stars on Netflix and Netflix people are notoriously hard on horror movies, so I figured it would be the equivalent of a 5 star by usual rating standards....Let me preface this by stating that I love horror films, even ones that are also kind of stupid and that the majority of other people (let alone fancy film critics) hate, so truly, I am not expecting a whole lot.. However, even with the bar set to the ground, this movie was a HUGE disappointment. The acting is bad, the writing is terrible, the plot is all over the place, and the characters' motivations seem to come from nowhere and everywhere all at the same time.Like a fellow and anonymous Netflix reviewer said: "There was no plot! Just a bunch of scenes stitched together and the end was a W-T-F moment if I ever saw one."One of my other favorite comments was: "Typical B horror movie.... black guy gets killed first."So enough of the preface let's get into the real talk.**Spoilers below**I hated all the characters: the brother was a complete nutcase and I relished in his demise; you feel sort of bad for his girlfriend but not really; the Sabrina lady and her boyfriend not only had zero chemistry, but they were both annoying as all hell so when they died, it's sort of a celebration. The only characters that were somewhat likable - the Prego and her husband - also had their off-putting moments like when Prego's husband jumps to her rescue and she deserts him in his greatest moment of need, and of course moments like when the husband (who is supposed to be smart for god's sake) could have avoided this entire fiasco by saying "Bugger off brother-in-law and your nonsense plans," but instead gets hare-brained ideas exactly like joining his deranged brother-in-law along with an entourage of equally mentally unbalanced companions on a hike to an obviously unwelcoming, haunted prison. Anyways, even though this movie follows no plot or any sort of logic, the likability (not very high) of the characters seems to match the longevity of their respective lifespans (not very long) so at least this movie is just and fair in that sense. However, watching justice be delivered to these dumdums is simply not worth sitting through 1.5 hours of all the b o l l o c k s this terrible movie has in store. If you want to watch a good horror movie about people exploring a haunted building watch Archivo 253.Final Verdict: Do not trust ratings on Netflix ever again (at least for horror movies).
Quite simply the worst movie I have ever watched. I only got to the end of this drivel because I was sick in bed and lacked the energy to do anything about it. I think it made my condition worse.The plot is haphazard, barely presented before it all concludes. The acting is passable, but quite why any of the cast didn't walk off the set on the first day of filming eludes me. Talk about career suicide.There's some gore. Some minor jump-scares. That's all I can say in defense of this movie. The hillbilly-cult, ritual slaughter, helpful-but-scary ghost, missing child, abandoned burned-out prison, rescue butterflies, stolen baby plot is the sort of rubbish three teenage boys might scratch together in five minutes, each throwing their own stupid ideas into the mix without regard to coherence.Do the world a favor. Buy every copy of this movie you can get your hands on and burn them.
Ruby Chang
I didn't completely dislike this film. In fact, especially at the beginning, I found it quite enjoyable. It did an excellent job at building up the suspense and the mystery, which really kept me invested, and some of the camera work, like with the cuts between visions, was very effective. But then some of the movie was just so odd. The background music in a couple scenes frankly did a disservice to what could have been some creepy or tense moments, and the chase scene as a whole was bizarre. I almost felt at some points that this film really could not decide what it wanted to be, which is a shame because it starts off so well, and this was really emphasized for me in some of the gorier scenes - intended to be scary and violent but kind of cheesy, in my opinion. The storyline is a little convoluted, but I did not have too much of a hard time keeping up because, as I said earlier, the beginning drew my attention well enough that I didn't end up paying only partial attention. Also, I think Chelsey Crisp and Brittany Ishibashi were especially phenomenal. I'll be keeping an eye out for any future work! All in all, a decent film! My feelings about it run on the extreme side: some parts made me REALLY like it, but others made me really dislike it, and I just don't have any middling opinions. Make of that what you will.