Blood Freak

1972 "A Dracula On Drugs!"
3.6| 1h26m| R| en

A biker comes upon a girl with a flat tire and offers her a ride home. He winds up at a drug party with the girl's sister, then follows her to a turkey farm owned by her father, a mad scientist. The father turns the biker into a giant turkey monster who goes after drug dealers.


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Sampson Motion Picture Production Company


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Also starring Steve Hawkes


Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Flyerplesys Perfectly adorable
DipitySkillful an ambitious but ultimately ineffective debut endeavor.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
Scott LeBrun No budget cinematic oddities such as "Blood Freak" are truly things to be treasured. You just don't see their like anymore. Only during this time in film history could one see a movie with a plot this trippy and this offbeat. As it's been said many times before, it can boast the distinction of mixing a pro-Christianity, anti-drug message with a tried and true horror movie premise of a monster on the loose and a generous dose of very tacky gore. And throughout this things' 80 minute run time, the co-director Brad Grinter (who'd directed Veronica Lake in her final film, "Flesh Feast") pops up on screen, cigarette in hand, to wax philosophical on the nature of fate and the importance of catalysts.Beefy non-actor Steve Hawkes - who was the other director of this epic - stars as Herschell, a Vietnam veteran / biker who makes the acquaintance of "good girl" Angel (Heather Hughes), a sexy but deeply religious gal. They go to a party where he meets her "bad girl" sister Ann (Dana Cullivan), who helps to get him drugs; in record time he's an addict. Meanwhile, he gets a job at a poultry farm where, among other things, he agrees to function as test subject and eat turkey that's been treated with an experimental drug. The effect? He turns into a shambling, gobbling, mutant turkey man with an enormous papier-mache turkey head. On top of that, he now drinks blood, which he obtains from the necks of various unlucky junkies.A deadly slow pace prevents this from being completely effective, but overall "Blood Freak" is the kind of thing a cult movie lover will want to have the experience of viewing. The audience must be patient, but fortunately this kicks into gear in its second half once Turkey Man is unleashed. Peoples' reactions to Turkey Man are pretty priceless, and Anns' dialogue is delicious, especially when she wonders what the children of her and Herschell would look like. The ladies in this are foxy, the rock score is groovy, and the very clunky nature of "Blood Freak" is endearing overall. One hilarious highlight comes when Turkey Man uses a buzz saw to sever a pushers' leg, and the guy howls in pain for almost a full minute. Grinter adds to the fun when he has a small coughing fit.A true curio, and worth watching for adventurous people.Seven out of 10.
Brad Morelli Let me first state that this movie defies any kind of plot or logic. What I'm about to speak on is pure speculation of what I believed to have happened.The film opens with some kind of "guru" explaining matters of life and the premise of the movie. Why? Well, why not? Our main character Herschell dresses and acts exactly like Elvis, so you know it's gonna be... interesting. Shortly after, Herschell makes his way to a house with a groovy 70's drug/orgy party going on. He believes in doing the "right" thing and the principles of the Bible, so he declines any participation. That is, until later he submits to the insurmountable peer pressure of being called a "coward" and takes a puff off a joint. Oh no, he begins writhing in pain on the ground because he's so badly addicted! Beware kids, one hit off a joint and you're a full blown junkie! The acting is HILARIOUS. I've seen a lot of bad movies, but this one is definitely near the top. After Herschell gets turned into the turkey monster, he visits his girlfriend who proceeds to contemplate what it would be like if he stayed as the turkey monster forever. "I wonder what the children would think? What would I tell them about you?" I don't know, but you could start by saying that their dad is a TURKEY.Like any rambling man who dresses like Elvis in the 70's, Herschell is looking for a job. He gets a job working at a turkey farm and agrees to be part of an experiment by eating some funky turkey. Before he can finish eating, he writhes on the ground in some incredibly awesome spasms, and the turkey monster is born. Naturally, he's strung out after that one hit of marijuana (because who isn't?), so the only thing that will satiate his hunger is the blood of fellow druggies. He hunts them down, ties them up like cattle, slits them, and cups his hands to pick up the blood and drink it. It's quite the ritual.What can I say really? This is the best Elvis turns into a turkey movie ever, and I dare anyone to defy me. I think I know who I want to be for Halloween this year.
Scarecrow-88 A buff, but gentlemanly, biker rides into the life of two sisters, one a Born-Again Christian, the other a heavy partyer who enjoys smoking pot and having a good time. Thanks to some kind support from his Christian pal, an employer at a poultry farm gives him a job. Hershell(Steve Hawkes, who also co-wrote, co-produced and co-directed)agrees to eat experimented turkey(?!)and suffers such an illness it causes him to fall unconscious. Before taking the job, he fell under the spell of the care-free sister, smoking some pot with her which re-awakened a habit he suffered in Vietnam after an arm injury. Coupled with the experimental meat, it seems Herschell is effected drastically..he grows a turkey head! Any woman in the surrounding area other than the two girls Herschell cares for are victims for his blood thirst. Often victims are hung upside down, their necks cut with blood pouring into the beaked fiend's human hands. What will Herschell do? How can he control his craving for blood?Simply dreadful in every conceivable fashion. I could not find one single aspect of worth throughout the entire painful experience. It's clearly visualized that those responsible for this abomination had no reason to ever make a film in the first place. Those involved should've cut their losses and forgot about ever making this inept travesty. The camera work is simply putrid as is the editing. Some narrator smoking a cigarette is reading off some pamphlet about change or behavior, which really could've wisely(..if any wisdom whatsoever was used during the entire process of this thing's production)been left on the cutting room floor and is merely intrusive(..which, if it were any good, would be a welcome interruption from this vile pile of garbage)bothering us with opinions that irritate instead of enlighten. The beaked, feathered bird head is a laughing stock. It is the icing on the cake and will certainly appeal to those who enjoy the worst kind of films possible. The acting is brought to us by a gathering of the directors' friends, I guess, and they all look about as interested as I was during this whole abysmal experience. The attacks on women are about as laughable as the sawed-off leg of one drug pusher with blood gushing forth. Loud screams are repeated in cycle over and over the scenes of violence which bring chuckles instead of terror or repulsion. If anything brings repulsion it's the camera set ups which often shoot characters out of frame and off-focus. I don't ask for much..just shoot your actors in the center of the frame for Chrissakes! And, the actors often look off as if attempting to understand when they're supposed to talk(..and perhaps seeking help with their dialogue;I'm pretty sure they could've ad-libbed and it would've been just as effective as what they had to say)and where to look. There's a legion of beloved fans for this turkey(..pun intended)and those who enjoy this junk can have it. While others find it incredibly entertaining, I found it pathetic and just plain tedious.
MartinHafer This is a rare film that has a much higher IMDb score than it deserves simply because reviewers don't know whether to give it a 1 or a 10. That's because although the movie is terrible, it also is so unintentionally funny that it makes a great party film--where everyone can sit around and make fun of how dopey the whole thing is--much like PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE.The film begins with an introduction by one of the directors, Brad F. Grinter. Frankly, Grinter looks like an over-the-hill porn star--with his greasy hair, unbuttoned shirt and smirk. Plus, every time he interrupts the film with his irrelevant musings, he's chain smoking. Practically everything he says during each interruption is pointless and his delivery is so bad, he's the funniest thing about the film. I especially loved near the end of the film where he's going off on the evils of drugs--yet at the same time he's practically coughing up a lung due to his continual smoking. Think about it--he doesn't even bother to put down his cigarette to do these short segments and when the tape is messed up by coughing fits, they don't even bother to re-shoot these scenes. Talk about incompetence! The rest of the film is a confusing mess. It begins with a woman having a flat tire and a biker stopping to help. She takes him home and your brain already starts to hurt. She says she's a good Christian lady yet she lives with her sexy sister who is a drug-addicted nympho who throws wild parties. And the audience is then treated to Bible reading and confusing theological lessons from this lady to the biker--in the midst of a party where everyone else is doing inhalants and pot!The nympho sister makes it her mission in life to get the biker to take drugs and do the naked limbo with her. He seems like a nice guy and so far has adamantly refused any drug. However, after the sisters ask him to live with them (which makes sense for the nympho but not for the Bible-thumper), he agrees to take a few hits of pot solely because the nympho dares him to. Unbeknownst to him, the pot is laced with something strange and addictive--the results of which you'll hear more about in a moment.The next day, he goes to his new job at the poultry farm. Two "scientists" who work there have gotten him to agree to be a guinea pig and eat a batch of turkey laced with some "harmless chemicals". However, after consuming practically an entire turkey, he goes into convulsions and the combination of the drugs in the turkey and the crap he smoked the day before have an unforeseen result--he turns into a combination turkey and vampire!! Seeing this guy run about for the next 20 minutes wearing a very cheesy turkey head as he rips open women's throats in order to drink their blood is something I'll never forget and might just be one of the silliest things in film history.So, from the plot, it's pretty easy to see how this could all be rather funny. Combining that with poor acting (mostly from the supporting actors), lousy camera work and dialog that it laughable, it's pretty obviously why I gave this turkey a 1. My advice is that if you can't laugh at bad films, don't watch. However, if you are like me and love to occasionally laugh at such ineptness, try this film!