Blood, Guts, Bullets and Octane

1998 "Two cats... one car... and a world of hurt..."
5.3| 1h27m| R| en

To keep their struggling used-car dealership from closing, salesmen Sid and Bob agree to let a vintage 1963 Pontiac LeMans sit on their lot for two days in return for $250,000. Warned that the vehicle has been associated with many deaths already, Sid and Bob are soon pursued by hitman Mr. Reich and FBI Agent Jared, among others. As violence surrounds them, Sid talks his partner into stealing the car for a $500,000 ransom.


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Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
Punisher55 So here's another by-product of the Tarantino/Kevin Smith indy craze that got huge in the later part of the 90's. The film contains most of what is said in the title. As one can expect, the film attempts to contain a lot of gun play, sharp tounged rapid fire dialog, and some dark humor.The film is bad. All there is too it. However, it is enjoyable and there are plenty of things to appreciate. The movie does try to look bigger then it actually is, the director wanted to make a movie that was kind of out of his reach. Also it should be mentioned the film is remarkably offbeat, weird and sort of hard to follow in its bizarre antics.What does work is actually the acting at points. Its not as laughable as one might expect from a movie with the word "octane" in the title. The film does come together with some mild laughs, but the film is simply trying too hard. For example the film has annoying and very much unneeded transitional vocab screens that came on screen (trying to be like Clerks much?) As far as the Tarantino pop culture dialog, there is an embarrassingly dumb attempt that made me roll my eyes. The characters debate if Johnny Cash was a homosexual for absolutely no reason.Yeah. The film kinda sucks. But its worth a viewing to see what the film TRIES to be like.
bigfrank1991 This movie is in my opinion just a bit underrated. I personally saw the movie and the beginning was very interesting and on-edge. I'll give this movie what it definitely had from beginning to end- suspense. Really I wasn't bored for a second, some scenes were a bit "corny", but when you're making an indie like this theirs a limit to what you can do. I myself am a cinematographer, and it is not as easy as it seems. Money changes everything people. You can have the best actors in the world, but if you can't get the right angles and right editing($expensive$) the oh-so hard work of the actors is tanked. I'll just basically leave off with this, if like a twist and turn movie with guns, criminals, drugs, etc. etc., I would suggest you give this movie a shot. You can copy Q.T. or anyone and make an entertaining movie.
mrclem A superb effort and entertaining action flick. The plot is logical though somewhat predictable (you just know they're going to get deeper and deeper over their heads). The dialog is intelligent, realistic fast and terse. The action hits fast and hard but is not gratuitous. The plot has some complexity to it, with different threads that tie together as the story unwinds. But they manage to do this with a short running time by having tight editing - no extraneous scenes. Hollywood should have movies with this kind of dialog, story and editing. The film quality is grainy, evidence of this flick's low budget. But the acting, dialog, story and action are all solid. Definitely worth seeing for those who like action flicks.
nutrikat Who would have thought a movie that cost less than $7,500 would be so outstanding. Kudos to Joe for his incredible writing and acting. Not only is his writing hilarious, he has a keen sense of timing... This is a must see.

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