Blood Sombrero

3.7| 1h26m| en

Set in the south Texas town of Sucio Sangre near the vicious Mexican border, BLOOD SOMBRERO stars Billy Blair as a nameless thief hired by the ruthless crime lord Lucifer (Nick Gomez) to find a strange box with unknown contents. Meanwhile a mysterious yet violent girl named Josephine (Paula Solinger) holds the box while on the run from the deranged cult she once belonged to. Hot on her trail are two crooked cops (Fred Doss and Stephen Brodie) and a psychotic bounty hunter named Coffin. Their paths ultimately collide in an explosion of blood soaked chaos, leaving our anti-heroes to decide whether this box is worth their lives.


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Titreenp SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Bessie Smyth Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Michael Ledo This is a fun low budget grindhouse that lacked continuity. The Thief (Billy Blair) is commissioned by Lucifer (Nick Gomez) to get a box that is protected by Josephine (Paula Marcenaro Solinger) an unpolished poorly choreographed macabre Uma Thurman lite. There is a bounty hunter and a couple of cops who add to the great characters. Somehow a honeybee got wrote into the script that really had nothing to do with the movie other than to add filler and give director/writer Jennifer Michelle Stone II a role. Not that it wasn't a cute part, I was just confused how it fit in and why the film never returned to the beginning when it started its flashback, like any half decent scripted film.The choreography fighting was bad except for a couple of fighters with minor roles, most likely the only professionals. They did a lot of slow motion filming to cover up the bad movements...which BTW were the movements they actually wanted as they have extra features showing us the 3 minutes of fight rehearsals.About half way through the film the dead gypsy fortune teller lets us know some useless information about the box and where all these extra characters are coming from. It isn't until the end that we find out.Guide: F-word. No sex. Front loaded stripper nudity.
girlfightmovie You have to take indie movies what they are, indie, and look past production values. If you don't you'll never appreciate them or most mainstream films, which I hate to tell you aren't perfect by any means. This film has tons of gore and hot women in it. There are even girl fights on top of mixed fights. It centers around a very strong female lead. At first I thought was a film made by Mexicans but I was wrong. It does have fantastic elements of Satanism that might deter some people away but the strong female lead and the fact it's a horror with awesome fight scenes should keep people's interest. If not the film has a lot of attractive strippers that definitely make this film a top choice on your exploitation collection. The cover may look unattractive and too amateur but I assure you will not be disappointed after you watch it. Just make sure you really do appreciate exploitation horror, otherwise you probably should look the other way. This film doesn't deserve the poor reviews it has garnered.

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