Bloodfist VI: Ground Zero

4.5| 1h26m| en

Terrorists take over a nuclear weapons launch site, but don't count on a humble military courier, who happens to be making a visit


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SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Wizard-8 "Die Hard" is one of my favorite action movies of all time, so you can probably imagine that I try to watch every rip-off of it as possible. As for *this* particular rip-off, I have a lot of problems finding any enthusiasm for it. Let me make it clear that the faults of this movie do not include Don "The Dragon" Wilson - he brings to the movie some likability and charisma. Unfortunately, the movie he's in is produced by Roger Corman, so you can imagine that the production values of the movie are very low (though I suppose that they could have been even worse than they are.) The action scenes are very disappointing, with inept fight choreography, as well as poor direction and editing. It doesn't help that all the fights are filmed in very tight quarters, and the final fight with the terrorist boss is over in a few seconds. Even if you are a Don "The Dragon" Wilson fan, it's best to skip this one and stick with the surprisingly good BLOODFIST 3.
lone-wolf-007 Don "the dragon" Wilson returns in the sixth installment of the bloodfist series and this time its a low budget clone of Die Hard. Wilson plays a courier who happens to be delivering a package to a underground missile silo just as terrorist are taking over. They want to start a nuclear catastrophe and its up to Wilson to stop them. Yes its low budget but what do you expect from Roger Corman? It is really not that bad if you don't think about it too much. It's a B movie, nothing more, nothing less. Yes the fighting is not that great and some of the dialog is not the best. Plus you throw in some typical clichés from other action movies and wrap it up and you have Ground Zero. This is a good addition to the series and from that standpoint its quite watchable and actually entertaining.
sveknu I guess every action fan out there know that the Bloodfist-series isn't exactly the best action movies around. That means low quality is expected, but some of the Bloodfist-movies are still watchable. (Bloodfist 2 is pretty OK, for example). Bloodfist 6 is very far from being one of them, because it's horrible in every way. It kind of reminds me of the movie "Terminal Rush", also starring Don "the Dragon" Wilson, but only worse. And why is it so bad? It's because everything in the movie sucks. The acting is some of the worst I've seen (OK, I don't really care about the actors being good, but in this movie they were so utterly bad that it was painful to watch), the story is overused to the extreme, and the fighting is easily forgotten. Another failure for "the Dragon".
Frank Markland This time Don Wilson trades in his kickboxing approach for a Bruce Willis style hero who is the last man standing in the way of the launching of a nuke that middle eastern terrorists (Most who look Caucasian) are trying to detonate and then there is the whole...ZZZZZZZ The rules of the Bloodfist sequels do not imply, since parts 2, 3 and 4 were all better than # 1. So one was hoping this would be a fun yet harmlessly stupid take on Die Hard. Problem is, that while Bloodfist VI is stupid it isn't any fun. It is dull with Wilson engaging in mini-action sequences which are over before they barely start. Also of note is that Wilson is one of the better thesps here, with a cast so unconvincing as terrorists that it was just horrendous to watch. Worst of all is that the movie literally has no degree of style or energy, so we watch in sheer boredom as Wilson races around the clock to save us all. Bloodfist VI is basically as awful as # 5 and that is about all that can be said. * out of 4-(Bad)

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