Load of rubbish!!
It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Intelligent, sad, slow moving film. It explores the rift between a smart, shy teen age boy, and his professor father, who he discovers is quietly helping a woman connected to the Red Brigade after she is involved in a terrorist killing. The acting is generally quite good, and the film has some really moving moments, and raises interesting questions of family, morality, and the pain of coming to see a parent as a deeply flawed person. On the down side, Jean Louis Trintignant is awkwardly dubbed into Italian, and there are times when the meditative pace feels needlessly slow. Certainly very impressive as a first feature. I look forward to re-seeing it at some point.
A story about duty and freedom nuances. About social walls and mixture between past and present. About the other as projection of your desire.About silence and strange skin of words, about images and discoveries, about measure of understanding and price of frustration.Fight between generations, a father dependent of past's believes, his disciples, an teenager son for who the truth is essence of decent existence and its value is only way to be himself.A dark film about gestures and secrets, about ethical symbols and cold relations, about sacrifice and innocence, about impossibility of confession and different worlds.A film of suggestion and subtle beauty. Exploration of a crisis in shadow of social reality. End of paternal myth and travel inside good and bad.