Blue Steel

1990 "For a rookie cop, there's one thing more dangerous than uncovering a killer's fantasy...becoming it."
5.8| 1h42m| R| en

Megan Turner, a rookie NYC cop, foils an armed robbery on her first day and then engages in a cat-and-mouse game with one of the witnesses who becomes obsessed with her.


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Cortechba Overrated
Micah Lloyd Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Brennan Camacho Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.
FlashCallahan On her first day on the job, officer Megan Turner shoots and kills the perpetrator of a supermarket hold-up. Since no gun was found on the perpetrator's person or at the scene, she is suspended from active duty. But she is quickly reinstated to the position of homicide detective because a used shell casing from the bullet used in a subsequent murder had her name carved on it. Eventually, the murderer shows himself to her. Commodities trader Eugene Hunt, who she meets following her suspension and starts to see. But he also confesses to her that he was in the supermarket at the time of the hold-up and that he fled the scene with the perpetrator's gun. The shooting caused psychosis which resulted in among other things his obsession with her......I'm in no doubt that the film has endless flaws and gaping plot holes, but if you like Bigelows sense of direction and mise en scene, this is a brilliant film to watch.But seeing it over twenty years after my last viewing, two things struck me. It's very similar to Charles Bronsans' 1983 exploitation thriller 10 til' midnight, am I'm pretty sure that Christian Bale did a little research with this when psyching himself up for his defining role, Patrick Bateman.But take away all the eighties sheen, and the wonderful haunting soundtrack, it's just a by the numbers thriller that we've seen time and time again.Out of all of her movies, this has to be the one that got away, because not many people have seen it, and its hard to find (I came across it on The Horror Channel of all places),The acting is great, especially Silver, who gets the eighties yuppy down to a tee, and Curtis as the girl next door cop, having personal problems galore, and then getting it on with the Kurgan.So all in all, its not a bad film by any means, it's visually stunning, but it's just a little too familiar.But, Bigelows next movie was Point Break, and that's one of the greatest films of the nineties.
Neil Welch Rookie cop Megan, while foiling a robbery, attracts the attention of nutjob Eugene Hunt who proceeds to seriously mess up her life.Somehow I managed not to see this 1989 movie until 2013, and boy did I miss a corker! Superficially this would appear to be a decent action/psychological thriller, and it is certainly blessed with good performances, but it also saddled with a script where every scene appears to be written by someone who only has the vaguest idea of what has happened up to the start of that scene. To say it is full of plot holes is an understatement.When you take into account that it was directed and co-written by Oscar-winning Kathryn Bigelow, you have a real puzzle because the script is what is at fault here.Having said that, there is something enjoyable in a slickly made thriller with a script which is as dumb as a brick.
David Love Difficult to know what to make of this one. The cinematography is beautiful, as is Jamie Lee Curtis as New York cop Megan Turner.She has the misfortune to come across a supermarket robber on her first day of active service and ends up killing him. Unfortunately the robber's weapon disappears as it is stolen by Eugene Hunt (Ron Silver) who is a mentally ill trader with a fixation on Turner, who reciprocates his advances! With no weapon and despite witnesses and cctv, she is suspended from her job, giving her time to mess around with Hunt. It's never made clear what she sees in this creep. He's nuts.Clancy Brown plays Nick Mann, fellow detective who teams up with a reinstated Turner to try to find the 44 Magnum killer who always leaves a shell etched with Turner's name at the scene of the killings.The plot is odd but actually quite interesting. Curtis is very watchable, and the director knows it. Overall, a slightly flawed gem, and worth viewing.
TheExpatriate700 I had been wanting to see Blue Steel for a long time, since I was a teenager. I had seen a commercial for a showing on the weekend late night movie, but had chosen to watch SNL instead because some actress was hosting.I rented it over ten years later, and was in for a profound disappointment. Although it had a stolen gun premise that has made for such great films as Stray Dog, it suffers from horrible execution.Although it has some decently directed action scenes, Blue Steel suffers from an abysmal, genuinely stupid script. The stupidity sets in from the very beginning, with a major plot hole being the basis of the entire film. The lapses in logic continue throughout the film, cumulating to sink any verisimilitude the film might have had.Compounding the failures of logic in the script is the mediocre acting. Jaime Lee Curtis is unconvincing as a rookie police officer, while Clancy Brown lacks charisma as the homicide detective paired with her. Although the late Ron Silver has some chilling moments as the psychotic murderer, he at times succumbs to overacting. His scenes on the Stock Exchange floor are laugh inducing.The film does benefit from good direction and photography. The viewer definitely gets a preview of the skills that would win Kathryn Bigelow a Best Picture Oscar. What a pity those skills had to be saddled on a piece of junk like this.