Bomb Squad

2011 "Become the Hero"
3.5| 1h23m| en

A group of siblings discover they have inherited Super-Powers from their imprisoned father. Questioning their fathers allegiance, they fight all odds to stay away from an evil Military General, who is bent on capturing them (



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Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
TinsHeadline Touches You
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Michael Ledo The film opens with 3 men in ski masks (and no gloves) robbing a guarded building of its glow sticks. On their way out they encounter the evil Wraith, a man in a black cloak hoodie and a cheap demon voice echo enhancer...oooooh scary, Darth Maul move over. These guys all have special powers, i.e. stop bullets, create fire, create lightning, and influence people with their glow in the dark contacts.The movie shifts to 8 years later. Two of the Freeman kids visit super dad in prison and he imparts some of his power to them who in turn touch their siblings who also get power, turning them into a mini "Fantastic Four" to the dismay of their doting mother. It is during their visit he recaps the plot, leaving a lot of stuff out so we feign interest. The acting was extremely bad. The plot reminded me of something I saw in an X-Men movie, with Uncle Sam hunting down the mutants. Bianca Freeman (Erin Kupay), who appears she might of had a year of drama studies, is the closet thing to an actor in this film. The title "Bomb Squad" is from a virtual game one of the pimply faced boys play. He wanted to call his group the "Bomb Squad" with cool, if not meaningless nicknames, but no one else wanted yo go along. So they weren't really called the Bomb Squad except to one kid...but hey what else are you going to call it? "Stolen X-Men Script" Who's going to watch that?The bad dialogue, acting, and filler material dragged down the film. These are things that a writer-director has control over and don't cost a dime more. Your ten year old might like it.No f-bombs, sex, or nudity.
Jon LaFleur I had an enjoyable time watching Bomb Squad and am hoping for a sequel, or that it gets made into a series. When you take into account that it had a 12k budget. (I cater for the entertainment industry and have invoiced the catering bill alone at over 12k on many productions.) Living close to Hollywood I see a lot of student productions and I feel this one did a good feature length movie for the price of a short or a commercial. That's a great accomplishment in itself. Then to have it come out good enough to leave the watcher wanting to see what happens next, that's better then a lot of high budget ones you see in theaters. It may look like a "made for TV" movie (to some)but hey I like TV. I'm a 50+ year old comic book kid. I did not read the review/comments first (thankfully) as too many gave spoilers or over critiqued everything (couch quarterbacks)and might have made me pass on a movie that I enjoyed.
darkminx2 Coming out as an independent film, I expected this movie to be very spotty and missing a lot of detail. The movie left open enough room for not only a second movie which would be absolutely phenomenal but they may also choose a prequel if ever wished upon.Likes I had about this movie include its well rounded story line which was focused on a single center focus while each scene added suspense to what the next move was going to be. Also, the emotional aspect behind each character as more spread out. I feel this film could have added a little more outside dynamic such as outdoor interaction, but for a film that cost approximately $12,000 to make, I am in awe to its greatness.
moustasch1 This movie plays like a made-for-TV pilot for one of the kid's channels. Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad movie, but for $12,000 you can't expect too much. The acting is pretty wooden by just about everyone and the story feels like it's missing about half of what it needed so that you'd care about anyone. For something done as cheaply as this the effects are really pretty good (much better then most every movie made for Syfy). If this were a TV pilot I'd probably watch a few episodes to see if it were going to get any better. The movie ends like there might be a sequel. I don't see there being a big demand for it, but for 12K there probably will be. Hopefully they'll get a big enough budget next time so they can include acting lessons.

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