Wonderful character development!
Load of rubbish!!
Humaira Grant
It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
Michael Ledo
The film opens with 3 men in ski masks (and no gloves) robbing a guarded building of its glow sticks. On their way out they encounter the evil Wraith, a man in a black cloak hoodie and a cheap demon voice echo enhancer...oooooh scary, Darth Maul move over. These guys all have special powers, i.e. stop bullets, create fire, create lightning, and influence people with their glow in the dark contacts.The movie shifts to 8 years later. Two of the Freeman kids visit super dad in prison and he imparts some of his power to them who in turn touch their siblings who also get power, turning them into a mini "Fantastic Four" to the dismay of their doting mother. It is during their visit he recaps the plot, leaving a lot of stuff out so we feign interest. The acting was extremely bad. The plot reminded me of something I saw in an X-Men movie, with Uncle Sam hunting down the mutants. Bianca Freeman (Erin Kupay), who appears she might of had a year of drama studies, is the closet thing to an actor in this film. The title "Bomb Squad" is from a virtual game one of the pimply faced boys play. He wanted to call his group the "Bomb Squad" with cool, if not meaningless nicknames, but no one else wanted yo go along. So they weren't really called the Bomb Squad except to one kid...but hey what else are you going to call it? "Stolen X-Men Script" Who's going to watch that?The bad dialogue, acting, and filler material dragged down the film. These are things that a writer-director has control over and don't cost a dime more. Your ten year old might like it.No f-bombs, sex, or nudity.
Vicki Brown
I was surprised that this was a $12000 budget movie. The acting is good, the plot is fun. I enjoyed it.There are a lot of "B" movies. This is one of the better ones. The effects were very good for low-budget. I'd be happy to watch a sequel.The person who claimed reviewers are "stuffing the ballot box" should stop complaining.If you enjoy fun, well-plotted movies with believable characters you wouldn't mind knowing in real life, this is one of those movies.
There are those who would disagree, but with only a $12,000 budget, I wouldn't consider this a B movie. It is well done and leaves me wanting to see a sequel. I am also fiftyish, have collected comic books, and grew up on 50's and 60's sci-fi. This movie is as good as any other movie of its genre with bigger budgets. Nick Chamberlin could very well be the Roger Corman of today (2011 until...). The acting could have been better, although I thought that the general and the captain were good. The script is as good as it can be and is well thought out. It is surprising that Bomb Squad is crafted so well with practically no money. It is a must watch for any budding filmmaker out there. They do not have to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to make a good film.
Coming out as an independent film, I expected this movie to be very spotty and missing a lot of detail. The movie left open enough room for not only a second movie which would be absolutely phenomenal but they may also choose a prequel if ever wished upon.Likes I had about this movie include its well rounded story line which was focused on a single center focus while each scene added suspense to what the next move was going to be. Also, the emotional aspect behind each character as more spread out. I feel this film could have added a little more outside dynamic such as outdoor interaction, but for a film that cost approximately $12,000 to make, I am in awe to its greatness.