Born & Raised

2012 "A young man tied to his hometown. A grandfather tied to nothing. Bound together by friendship."
4.8| 1h36m| en

This intelligently crafted, seven-time award winning festival favorite, tells the story of a young man, in a small seaside town, who learns a thing or two about love, luck and life from his well-traveled, outlaw grandfather. Born & Raised is a gritty, coming-of-age drama with a lot of heart and a ton of laughs.


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Born & Raised


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Dorathen Better Late Then Never
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Mischa Redfern I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Stephanie There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Lor_writer Few films evoke true emotion from the audience. This surely one does. The viewer realizes that not all Americans have the same life opportunities due to the accident of birth into families of all types and socio-economic standings. The scenery and locales that the viewer experiences are true rural Florida. This film develops the specific characters to an extent that the personalities and spoken lines will resonate as one engages in his own life and among one's own world of real life characters. Viewers cringe as the characters live their lives and inflict their antics on each other. There are the rogues, the hussies and the innocent locals who can't see life's bigger picture.A little gem to see.
Horacio Martinez I saw Born And Raised, I loved the naturally of the performances, and the way the story was being told, helped you to understand and make you feel that you are part of the Film as well, the music by Jay Vincent is a perfect fit for the story, there's a balance between the movie and the music, and I think that's very important, Of course It's a must see movie, It's a very down to earth Drama, with no exaggerations, just straight to the point!I Like the color of the film, every character grows into you, as the film evolves, its a very professional job, and definitely is a film that keeps your mind busy after watching it, it has its funny moments and heart touching parts as well.Amazing cast and script, this is a living proof that, it is not needed a huge amount of money to make an amazing film.A must see!
JeniSweckerRenshaw "Born and Raised," feels purely authentic in its astute interpretation of a small town dynamic. The creators truly captured the essence of this lifestyle by even including a bizarre moniker, like a main character named, "Bubbs." The movie cut to the core of some meager mentalities by including individuals' habits of smoking and drinking, sick cycles of young vacillating relationships and minimalistic social lives in empty bars.Beyond the imagery and lifestyle of these folks, the true theme of the film is finding and creating one's own path in life. It explores how some may not find peace within their community as they desire adventures outside of the walls that have been built for them by their own family's experiences, heartbreaks, fears, and struggles. The core of this script is exploring the fine line of happiness which can be between what one has and what one desires. To find this balance while remaining true to your own set of internal motivations, sans the hopes and dreams others have for your own existence, can be an overwhelming struggle. Finding this internal strength to walk away can feel almost paralyzing.This movie has a raw portrayal of characters that captures real issues of heartache, abandonment, physical abuse, substance abuse, and yet the characters still exhibit courage, curiosity, and resilience while attempting to enter a future of unknowns.The production of this film is far from today's "Hollywood" standards which makes it magnificently raw and gritty. The main character literally has a major blemish on his face which is so refreshing in a day where most actors are covered in make-up or the flaws are edited out after the fact. This made the production practical, since most lower income individuals wouldn't spend mass amounts of money on proper skin-care products.The characters are dressed like normal, earthy people. The female characters aren't glamorous, glitzy, or dressed in provocative clothing, which makes it easier to focus on the storyline instead of being sidetracked by their unmentionables. Even the backdrop of the movie, with the scenery in muted shades of gray and the beautifully executed soundtrack, sets the tone to magically allow the audience to feel the conflicts the characters are enduring while still trying to find and implement forgiveness and acceptance for those that have destroyed their hearts. To watch the characters show mental fortitude and composure while having the hope to press forward, in times where they could be crying, was admirable and an accurate testament to the resiliency of people living in a small town.This is a production based on the voyage of the seeking out the adventures in life, while straining to see how to move on without abandoning family and friends. It captures the genuine tug of war between responsibility and freedom. The writers deliver the sincere sense of the word, "Home," a place one can leave yet always come back to, no matter where one finds themself in life. "Born and Raised," was beyond invigorating from the script to the implementation!
Troy Bernier I had the fortune of watching this film at the Miami International Film Festival. I must give the film its credit. The story is well written. Nick Loritsch who also has the leading role does an excellent job of carrying the story well. Jackson Pyle who plays Nick's grandfather and Arlan Godthaab do a great job keeping the back story alive. Dawntavia Bullard, Keith Hudson along with Nick Loritsch brings this story to reality for many living in the culturally rich gulf region in the USA. I tip my hat to an excellent job the cast and crew of the Born & Raised production team. Good luck with your festivals, and I hope to catch the show again via broadcast, cable or stream. I will surely tell my friends not to miss this feel good film. It will leave you talking about it for days.